Historia Reiss

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"Krista probably would have been worried for everyone. Krista Lenz was a good girl.But Historia Reiss... Historia's parents never loved her. Nobody did. Quite the opposite. No one wanted her to be born. Her story isn't even especially unusual. There are lots of kids like her in the underground... So? Everyone was disappointed, right? That the real me was this empty. That I'm nothing like the good girl Krista Lenz was."

"Loneliest people are the kindest."

"A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."

My favorite ⬇️
"But now you know there was a woman named Ymir."

"Since it was the first time that mother had ever done anything to me that made me happy."

My other favorite ⬇️
"ITS KIND OF MYSTERIOUS BUT... If I'm together with you, then no matter what kind of world it is... IM NOT AFRAID!"

"You thought that since he's strong and influential, he wouldn't care much about things like ranks and the chain of command."

"I'll do it!"

"My name is Historia."

"The next role I have to play is queen? Okay I can do it."

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