Chapter 1

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Mebuki Haruno walked around her home, one hand on her stomach, caressing the life she and her husband made with gentle fingers.

The woman sat down on the couch, careful not to strain her body.

Mebuki looked at her stomach with gentle eyes, stroking her stomach gently.

"I can't wait to meet you, baby..." Mebuki mumbled.

As soon as she said that, pain started developing in her lower region.

She looked at her private part to find out...

Her water broke.

Mebuki started taking deep breaths, almost hyperventilating, "K-Kizashi!"

Kizashi entered the room, "Yes, Hon-"

He was cut off at the sight of her slouched against the couch, hyperventilating, hands on her stomach and clear liquid beneath her.

He then realised she was in Labor.

He rushed over to the woman's side, picking her up bridal style, "I-It's going to be okay, Mebuki!"

Mebuki had pale blonde hair and green eyes.

Kizashi had dark pink hair, shaped like a cherry blossom and blue eyes.

Kizashi quickly rushed out the door, his wife in his arms, running down the street of Konoha.

Running through the crowd of people, accidentally shoving other and Mebuki yelling a, "Sorry!"

They finally made it to the hospital.

The receptionist was just reading a magazine until the door suddenly burst open, almost scaring the life out of the poor woman.

Kizashi, huffed and puffed, panting out of breath, "M-My wife is having a baby, please help!"

Nurses scrambled to the couple, a brunette woman shouting, "TAKE THIS WOMAN TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM, WE'LL GO FROM THERE!"

One nurse stuttered though, "B-But ma'am, isn't the emergency room occupied!?"


The said woman took Mebuki from Kizashi's arms and raced down the hall, turning the corner to the emergency room, the other nurses following in suit.

Kizashi sighed and sat on a waiting chair, hands under his chin, fingers folded in worry.

Mikoto was breathing hard, sweat down her face.

She hasn't even started pushing, yet she's already so tired.

Her tiredness was suddenly replaced with worry, as she saw her best friend from the academy be put in the bed next to her.

"M-Mebuki!" Mikoto forced out, finding it hard to speak with all her panting.

Mebuki, even though panting as well, forced out, "M-Mikoto!"

Suddenly, the two women smiled, "I guess we're going to go through the pain together" Mikoto chuckled.

"Damn right we are, I don't want to do this alone" Mebuki sassed.

One nurse ran up to the head of the hospital, "Mrs. Yuuya, should we bring the husbands and child in?"

Mrs. Yuuya crossed her arms, "Yes, please bring them in, along with the child"

Kizashi, Fugaku and Itachi were rushed into the emergency room by the nurse.

Kizashi went to Mebuki's side, "I'm sorry you have to deal with this pain, honey..."

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