The great escape

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He flew and flew, everything he tried failed, just like how his attemps to run away from flying failed. The monsters with the 2 horns and giant legs ran faster, 5, no 6 no 7 of them, running after the smallest animal but any food was good, Ptera got worried he didn't get a huge rest but if he can just go a little bit longer, he went in to turn abruptly but wind forced him the other direction, toward the carnivores, toward the carnotaurus, without understanding how to get back up and continuing to fall, he opened his wings facing the carnotaurus and the wind once again threw him about but this time threw him at a wall. With a large bellow an then a crack, Ptera slammed into rocks on the side of a cliff but luckily a ledge was underneath him of which no carnivore could get to other than the utahraptor . The carnotaurs look at eachother confused, and angry that their snack had died on a cliffside. If only they knew.

*Boom* *Boom* *boom* The beasts ran off to find a new meal, was ptera going to die? No, Not at this young but his head was hit heavily causing him to slip out of our reality and go into a deep sleep... 

Our pteranodon woke up dazed and confused on what happened but throught his time his crest had grew larger, his colours began to arive, though he felt sick he was near starvation he watched his mother go on the water and catch fish, maybe h-he could do the same! He needed to find deep water though and where there's deep water there's big crocodiles so he had to be weary for otherwise it could be his life. He set off he had grew substantially in his time on the planet, his larger wings gave him for power in flight and longer time, it took 1 look downward to see the bubbles on the surface, fish bubbles! But seconds later a head breached the water and let out a large throaty rumble, the deinosuchus calls, they were like hell opening up for you to listen. But without a doubt he needed those fish.

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