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He flew downward, even if he was scared he pushed it away, if he didn't do this he wouldn't be able to eat whenever. He dipped his beak in the water while controlling his hight with his wings balancing between falling in and going too high, he flew through thee bubbles feeling something hit his break and he slammed down on it, rose up gracefully with the smallest body inside his mouth, his FIRST FISH! It felt as if nothing could stop him but he remembers his first time and waching his sister die, he was lucky Ptera thought, anyway he had food, that's all he needed and he swallowed it whole, it took only 1 fish for him to feel full so with a full stomach and not nearly dying of dehydration he  flapped up to a stable and 20 foot high branch and slumped down his body and rested to let his stomach digest the great meal.

12 hours later

He awoke feeling movement on the branch, a menacing hiss came  from behind him, he saw nothing but once he looked closer strange silhouette and white fangs was shown, In that 1 moment he just launched off the branch and opened his wings for wind to catch him to glide, he could hear an annoyed grunt like noise, out of curiosity Ptera looked at the branch to see what was there,  a large green monster, herrerasaurus watching Ptera, that must have been what it was. A camoflage to hunt unsuspecting pteranodons, if only it wasn't that heavy this ptera would be just like that fish that he ate

No place felt safe anymore, The ground was horrible, trees were horrible he just wannted to give up, all he knew by this point was survival, food, water and sleep then reproduce. So began his new journey of growing

The life of a pteranodonWhere stories live. Discover now