chapter 2

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           𝘃𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗽𝗼𝘃
(We were standing in hallway and saw a girl )
Taehyung : seriously her the nerd
Jimin : she is cute but are you sure she should be our new target . She looks too innocent
Jungkook : heck yeah . I'm gonna make her fall in love with me and win the bet and get your 10 million dollars ready losers
Taehyung : we'll see about that
              𝘆/𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃
(Hi my name is y/n and let me tell you about how these annoying playboys pulled me into the most confusing situation ever )
After my class I was walking down the stairs when suddenly I tripped but someone caught me just in time and it was Jungkook.

the guy who is literally dating half of the female population in our school
He was staring at my lips as he pulled me closer
Jungkook : your lips look lonely do they want to meet mine
(I pulled him away)
y/n : please get off me
Jungkook : whoa easy there babygirl
y/n : I did rather kiss a trashcan by the way oh wait what's the difference between you too. (I smile at seeing the shook look on his face)
(I was walking away and I almost tripped over a random calculator someone had left on the floor and I dropped My books on floor and before I could get them up someone was doing it for me I lookup at him)
Jimin : you should watch your step next time princess
(for a second I was stunned to see Jimin the guy with the biggest Instagram following)

(He is grinning at me and boy he looks like a prince)
Jimin : would you mind taking a picture of me for my Instagram
(He pushed his phone to me and started posing like he was god's gift to women and I didn't know how to react so I put his phone down on the floor and awkwardly walked away)
(to find an empty classroom  as I walked in the classroom . I was surprised to see someone sleep in there
I shook his shoulder to wake him up
Only to gasp when I realized it was Taehyung the handsome sleep head)

y/n : what are you doing here this is my place
Taehyung : oh sorry I didn't see your name on the door
(I ignore his sarcasm and was about to head out before he spoke again)
Taehyung : we can share this room if you want (he pulled me closer to him)
(Suddenly the teacher came in and thought we been making out in there and something and she kicked us out and it was so embarrassing more than all I tripping over)
(I had to avoid these heartbreakers
They were called triple threat for a reason and I hated guys like them and after my classes were finished. I found the three of them outside waiting for someone with there car's and they all smiled at me uh oh)

Jungkook : hey babygirl I think you're an engine cause my car won't start without you

Jimin : come on princess let's get out of here . I will give you ride home

(Taehyung just gave me a nod and signaled for me to get in his car)
y/n : what on the world was happening (I mumbled and I hurriedly walked out of school gate to avoid them)

Rich playboys ff Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora