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Full Name: Lewis evergreen

Age: 30,234

Alias: the troubled servant

Sexuality: straight

Sex: Male

Human Appearance

Eye Color: rainbow

Hair Color: white and silver

Hairstyle: loose braid

Build: tone

Height: 7,2

Eyepatch: hiding his missing eye

Tattoos: yes

[His real self]

Eye color: completely black with smoke flowing out of his eyes

Hair color: it turns to an ash like color

Hairstyle: none

Build: tone but more mouths cover his body

Height: 7'4

Horns: 2 sets over lapping each other one curved the other straight

Eyepatch: none the eye socket is filled with smoke

Tattoos: they move around his body making them look alive it consist of planets, space like creatures

Downside: when he is in his real self he has the sudden urge to destroy anything near him and eat everything but if he is near a strong magic source it would calm him enough to make him docile

Likes: alot of things mostly he loves the color red and black

Fear: he has a fear of being left alone and dying but there is more he doesn't talk about

Family: unknown said to be a dead soul that taught him

Distinguishing Marks: lewis is depicted as robed and bandaged being said to hold many mouths that were first said to consume those who's hearts weighed to heavy with sins. Now he uses them to consume anything is his path that he chooses to fuel his never ending hunger

Lewis mental state has staggered for decades, because of his master death his anger for humans and gods have made him believe almost every one of them worships them and agreed to have his mistress killed. Thus making his time of contact with others...very short. But now he learned to cope with it so his personality is a mix of a giant teddy bear, protective

Talents: Lewis can speak, understand and communicate in any language including languages that have never been heard before, sign language(even lip-reading), illegible words, and backwards speech. He was the translator for the gods

Weakness: His weakness is any high class sealing techniques or demon slaying wepons that would devour his soul

Weapons: he use shadow like guns that would shift between a whip and a dark great sword they leave a rotting like mark on the enemy magic

Abilities: He is able to shoot his soul into someone else forcing said person to change into him
Consuming the hearts of those with different languages allow him to speak said language
He can summon a multitude of mouths, projected of any size which act on his own accord, all able to consume large amounts of matter and the surroundings around it if he chooses to once the feeding is done, similar to a mini black hole.
The mouths are all able to use the same similar skills such as voice mimicking and voice projection. They can become incorporeal so they can penetrate into any sort of defense to cause havoc from within. His mouths can bind onto others if he feels the need to take his anger on someone and kill them slowly. They also work fairly well as transportation as he is the only one or the one he invites that can step in and out of the abyss in the mouths of the monsters. He has a high magic affinity for black ice he tends to have a cold arua around him for weaker people it my look like an arua of death

Downside: The more mouths he summons, the weaker they are(doesn't mean they're as easy to combat nor are they "weak" to a normal human)

Background History: Lewis was meant to be the a translator of sorts the gods hid what he was He was supposed to live near the scales of justice in the underworld, Duat, where the hearts of the dead were weighed by hades against Ma'at, the principle of truth and justice. The hearts of those who failed the test were meant to be given to lewis to devour, and their souls were not permitted to enter Aaru, having to be restless forever - dying a second time. However, Lewis was not accepted by the other gods, even Anubis himself. Out of concern that he would one day go out of his place and try to rebel, he, along with other gods and even the king of gods himself, deemed him as a "rebel servant" and banished him to the abyss, that is were he met his mistress ever since then he held no hatred to the gods he continued to do his normal task with her help until the gods killed her. he walks around the earth looking for someone to call mistress or master. But after a long trip he gave up and decided to stay low as a human for now on. he later started a very good company that makes makeup and purses so he was happy for a bit. Then a cult sent him to hell that is were he opened a weapon company making Alot of weapons for royalty

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