SCP-11242 "Henderson"

42 3 7




SCP-11242 is to be kept in a glass like container that is 18 feet by 7 feet with nothing but chains but a chair and a desk for a Scientist as for scp-11242 has chains around his neck,arms,legs made out of a mixture dimond,steel the reality anchors in the room stay on as for inside the container stays below zero. For the things that are not aloud in the chamber is clowns,signs,hooks as for any reason that is in there he would start to try to break free in a rage like state. There should always be 6 personal guarding the cell 3 inside and out.


Scp-11242 seemed to be 16 feet tall has a bandana on his head covering the white hair as for the rest he wears red goggles then a mask as for the body black t-shirt, military pants, boots then fingerless gloves. What he is a biological hybrid that seemed to be able to speak its body structure is slim but fit. At first it seemed to have no hate towards personal until a clown scp came in for a test

It does have anomalous properties any dead body near him begins to come back to life like a zombie. Then next couple is that it adapts to any problem given it has high speed regeneration inhuman strength speed,senses,flexibility but he can be overwhelmed to the point he goes unconscious to heal


Recovery Log

89 years later The scp foundation got a weird signal from Nevada so they sent jail breakers a special team for recon missions from the reports they got back the team described the area completely destroyed and a unconscious SCP-11234 s- [error error file lost]

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