Chapter 3

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Your eyes slowly opened. You were resting on a cold surface. At least, it was cold compared to the parts and service room. Yeah. You remember what happened. How you got here.
You lifted up your head and tried to stand, only to be yanked back down head first. There was some kind of collar around your neck, and around it was a leash tied to a hook in the floor.
It was tied tightly, so you couldn't lift your head very much. You wouldn't be able to stand anyway, not with the burning sensation of pain in your leg.
You also felt something tied around your snout, strapped around your head keeping the muzzle locked in place. You growled and tried taking it off. Wouldn't move. You felt around for some kind of buckle, but there wasn't one.
Y/N tried taking one hand at the back of the muzzle and one at her snout, and tried to stretch it over her head. Nothing. You were getting angry now. You brought one leg up and hooked your foot onto the muzzle. You tried to push again, but there was still no avail.
You roared, still muffled, and stomped your foot against the ground. There was no getting it off. So you turned to your surroundings instead. You were in an enclosed area, only being a bit smaller than the parts and service room. Ahead of you was something you hadn't noticed before-a tunnel. Square shaped, like a vent. Just your size, too. Maybe you could get out from there! You leaned as far as you could to the entryway. Your ears perked up at the sound of scraping metal. It seemed distant, but the clambering sounds echoing down the vents made you afraid that someone could be coming.
You scrambled back to your original position you remembered waking up in and fell limp, closing your eyes. As the sound came closer and closer, you didn't dare move. You tried to hold a calm expression, like you really were asleep, as the clambering came to a stop. Just in front of you. The light footsteps came to your side. You tried not to flinch from the sudden contact to the side of your face, metallic fingers grazing along your cheek.
"Aww, look at the little sleeping puppy," a shrill, yet quiet voice said. You recognized him immediately. You couldn't bite with the muzzle, but you could still kick and scratch.
You launched up suddenly, kicking your good leg square into Molten's face. He reared back laughing at the sudden backlash. You growled at his satisfaction to your response.
"You never cease to surprise me, N/N! Haha!" He barked a laugh, reaching towards your snout again. You clawed at his arm, but he grabbed your hand and shoved it down in a weird angle. Your elbow joint hurt, it felt like it could snap at any moment. You scrunched your eyes shut. Molten's yellow eye turned red. He shoved your head down onto the ground with his other hand and leaned down to your ear. "Don't make me break your elbow, too." He said in a hushed voice, before shoving your head down and standing over you.
"You want your muzzle off?" He asked tauntingly. You glared. "Come on, you can answer a harmless question, can't you?" You nodded hesitantly. "Well, I guess that depends on whether or not you'll behave~...and I'll be the judge of that." Molten looked to the sides of him. "It's the night guard's shift, the rest of the animatronics are shut down now....I suppose I could take it off for a bit." Molten kneeled down in front of you. You backed away from him onto all fours, still keeping your head low to the ground. Molten frowned. "The hard way it is."
He lunged forward and tackled you into the ground. He laid over you so he had you pinned down. Molten turned you onto your side, keeping his legs on top of yours, and slammed both your wrists onto the side of you to keep them down with one arm.
You struggled against his grip as Molten tampered with the back of the muzzle. Finally, the binding came loose of your snout and you snapped at Molten. He leaped off of you and scrambled back. You couldn't reach him now.
He was breathing heavily, possibly intimidated, but he was smiling. "I can't wait to break that spirit of yours." He smirked. Your eyes widened just a bit, but just enough to get a satisfied reaction from Molten.
"What the heck are you going on about?" You snapped.
"You tend to make things difficult for me, but I could keep you here until you submit to me." He growled. You nearly gagged, but then you thought for a moment. You were like that when you first met Molten...hey, he cheated that round. While you argued with yourself, Molten crept closer and closer to you, and suddenly, he grabbed onto the rope around your neck and pulled your head towards him.
You would've snapped, and trust me, you really did want to wipe that smirk off his face. But he was looking at you with the confidence that said "it's only a matter of time". And all of a sudden, you were afraid of just that.
What if I do cave in? No, he couldn't do anything that bad to make me-
Molten slapped his hand across your face and you reared back, but not too far with his hold on your collar. He swung at your face again and you barked, snapping your jaw.
He kicked you straight in the gut and dropped you to the ground. You rolled on the ground, groaning in pain. Y/N looked up, all she could see was Molten's shadowy figure standing over her with the additional red glare from his left eye. He bent down on one knee and lifted your chin. He smiled.
"This is going to be a lot more fun that I thought~"

-Breaking you-Molten Freddy x Animatronic! Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now