Chapter 5

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Trigger warning
You finally woke up to the nightmare your life had become. You've been stuck with Molten for nearly a week, and you were already in terrible condition from his "disciplining".
Half of your left arm was shredded down to your endoskeleton, and your left leg was still broken, so you couldn't run even if you did get that stupid muzzle and collar off. One of your ears was badly damaged and there were scratches all over your body.
Your eyes wandered about the lonely room. By now you've memorized every crevice and dent in the floors all the way up to the walls. It was rather lonely being forced to stay here by yourself, but again, you didn't enjoy Molten's company either.
Speaking of which...
The clamoring of metal echoed down the vent system to where you were kept and you flinched involuntarily. He stuck one claw out at a time from the darkness and dragged his tall figure out into view. His eyes fell on you and he smiled. And yeah. He has two eyes now.
"Haven't left yet?" He teased. You growled a bit under your breath. "Everyone's already investigating your 'disappearance', so I assume it won't be long before your friends start searching the ventilation systems." He walked towards you and knelt down. "They'd probably have to send someone down to look for you..." Molten unlatched the muzzle from your head. Then he reached one hand up and stroked the top of your head. You held back your backlash, it was for the best at the moment. "..and it would be a shame if something happened to them, if they ever did send an investigator." Molten looked at you with a glint in his yellow eyes.
You gulped. Molten took his hand down.
"Who are they sending?" You snapped.
"Security Puppet," Molten said with a despicable smile. His claws rose up into view almost tauntingly.
"Don't you dare!" You roared.
"Now, calm down, puppy." Molten protested. "I never said I'd do anything to your least..for now, I wouldn't." He slipped off the collar that had been wound around your neck. It's been wound around for so long that you didn't realize it was there anymore. "I did want to get some kind of test today. What do you think, Buttercup?"
You gulped.
"That's the spirit," he growled before shoving you to the side. You grunted and didn't bother to regain yourself. If anything, trying to defend yourself made the coming pain worse. Your eyes did glance up. Molten Freddy stood just over you. He kicked you in the side and grabbed your shoulder. His claws dug into your fur as you bit back blackened tears. Your body was hurled into the hard vent wall's surface and you went limp. You lifted your head and glared up at Molten. Mistake.
He smashed your head into the vent side again. Then again, and again. You were used to it. The impacts weren't exactly painful, but you did have some damage done to your head. Finally, Molten dropped you onto the floor. You didn't look up.
There was a pause. But there couldn't have been a pause, not this early...unless. Wait, would he really?
The bear sat next to you and you were laid out onto his lap. You sat, mentally and physically exhausted, not bothering to look up to Molten. He lifted your chin up to greet him.
Molten was...smiling, for once.
He pressed his forehead against yours and leaned into a light kiss. "You're doing so much better today already, N/N!" He exclaimed. You mentally exhaled. It was done. For today, at least. There was always tomorrow, and the day after that, and who knew how long you'd be stuck here. How could this ever come to an end? Maybe Molten would finally let you be, or your friends would find you, or the damage would finally leave you decommissioned.
He started to pet your head affectionately. "See what happens when you cooperate? Everyone wins!" Molten paused for a moment, then he smirked down at you. "I'm sorry, puppy, I really am. I promise, with how quickly you've come to cooperating, this will all be over soon."
And there was your way out. If you sucked up to him for long enough, he'd trust you enough to, well. Not hurt you? That sounded worse than you thought it would. But ehh, this guy was terrible. Doesn't matter.
You took a mental sigh.
I can't believe I'm agreeing to this.
You cuddled your head into his chest, earning a small surprised grunt from Molten. He looked down at you bewildered. You'd never done anything like this before. A small thought cracked into his mind. Maybe if I'm was a bit more Be firm. Don't let something like this get to you. She's yours now. Make sure she stays that way.

Heyoooo so a couple things to note, sorry I've had this on hold for a bit. I kind of lost motivation half way though this chapter and wasn't able to come back to it for a while. Second thing is, I'm going to take the story in a different direction from here on out. I'm not entirely comfortable writing something that could be seen as abuse, and it's also one of the reasons for my recent lack of motivation. That's all for now :P

It's been like 7 months since the last update and I WILL be returning to this book. For those returning or might be a little confused, I edited out a big chunk at the end of this chapter since I have more of the book planned out better.

-Breaking you-Molten Freddy x Animatronic! Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now