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It had been weeks. Seungmin apologized to his hyung right after it. He vowed to never go back to Junghee, and he kept his promise.

The two had hung out a lot, becoming closer and closer. Neither of them brought up Seungmin's ex, and that's how they wanted it. No more ex. No more hurt.

But as Changbin helped the younger out, he noticed changes in his behavior. Seungmin would sometimes cling onto him, even in front of their friends. The youngest wasn't much of a touchy person, yet here he was. He'd also ask Changbin to stay the night a lot. Just to hang out with him.

Changbin's feelings toward him only grew because of it, but it worried him.

"Hey, Bin?" Seungmin calls, pulling the elder's attention away from the movie. "Do you like me? I mean, you told me you loved me. I was wondering if you meant it."

"Um..." He looked uncomfortable, almost like that wasn't how he meant it. "I do." What a relief. "I do like you, a lot. Why?"

"I like you, too, a lot."

The news didn't make Changbin happy. It should've, but it only made him more upset. He had read about something like this in a psychology book in school.

When someone is going through a mental instability after a break up, they latch onto whoever is helping them through. It's a completely normal thing. It's basically finding a rebound. They think they like that person, when in reality, they like the fact that they helped them. Like a white knight kind of thing, but a bit different.

Now, Seungmin has had time to get over Junghee, but his feelings for him were strong. It's hard to get over someone that you truly loved. He still needs time to heal, and Changbin knows that.

"Seungmin... I think it would be best if we waited before moving on."

"Why? What do you mean?"

Changbin gathers his thoughts, not wanting to hurt the boy. "You still need time to heal. It's only been a few weeks. I need to know that I'm not going to be your rebound."

"Changbin, you're not-"

"Let me finish, please. I one-hundred percent share your feelings. I just need to see for myself that you feel the same. Think about it. Falling for someone right after a hardcore breakup? It doesn't make sense. You fell for the idea of me helping you and getting you through it. If you truly like me in a month, then we'll talk about having a relationship later on. Right now, you need time for yourself."

The two sit in silence for a minute. Seungmin knew he was right. He shouldn't jump into a relationship right after a four-year on and off relationship.

"Okay. A month. Deal."

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