Hook and the Sea Witches [#Disney Villian flashfic]

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One cold, misty night and when Hook was sure that he'd find Peter Pan's hideout once and for all, Hook and his bloodthirsty crew went on shore, leaving the Jolly-Roger unguarded. That's when Peter Pan and the Lost Boys arrived. He and the boys slipped on board, and there they had swapped out Hook's remarkable treasure with a set of fakes. Peter told the boys they'd hide it so that Hook will have to hunt them down to get it back. This was all great fun for Peter, and then out of the mist, he was there. The evil Captain Hook appears & a ferocious sword fight was underway. Thunder clashing as what seemed like Hook had the upper hand. 

"Give up, boy," Hook taunts. 

"Never," Peter sneers back. 

At that moment, a shimmer of magic covers the ship, and the Jolly Roger lifted into the sky as Peter and the boys escaped with the treasure

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At that moment, a shimmer of magic covers the ship, and the Jolly Roger lifted into the sky as Peter and the boys escaped with the treasure. As a little teasing gesture, Tinkerbell gives a kick to Hook's nose, and Peter pulls Hooks hat down to his nose. 

"You have not seen the end of me, Peter Pan! I'll GET YOU FOR THIS IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!" Hook shouts as the Jolly Roger flies away further and further away from Neverland. 

Meanwhile, in the murkiest parts of the sea in solitude,  Ariel swims quickly back to Atlantica for the forgotten concert followed by Flounder,  they pass old sunken shipwrecks and dodging any other sharks that could still be lurking in shadows as fast as their fins could carry them. Little did they know, hidden from view, two eels with duo eyes spy on them. 

"Yes, hurry home, Princess. We wouldn't want to miss old Daddy's celebration now, would we? Ha! A celebration indeed, ho-oh-bah! In my day, we had a fantastical feast when I lived in the palace," a bitter voice sneers, as she snacks on a shrimp. 

"Now look at me, wasted away to practically nothing. Banished in exile and practically starving, while he and his flimsy fish folks celebrate. Well, I'll give them something to celebrate soon enough," she smirks. 

"Flotsam! Jetsam!" she shouts, as she turns to her magic bubble. 

At the suddenness of her voice, Jetsum accidentally bumps his upward against a rock. 

"I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his," Ursula instructs, as they swim on. 

"She may be the key to Triton's undoing," she concludes, smiling evilly. 

Suddenly, the Jolly Roger splash lands at the surface, causing massive rolling waves enough for even the slightest vibration to be felt by Ursula and beyond. 

"Now what could be causing this massive ripple throughout the ocean?" Ursula mumbles, shrouding in dark ink as she swims up to the surface only for her gigantic tentacles to wrap onto the Jolly Roger whole; followed by another pair of tentacles identical to her own.

"SMEEE!!!!!!!" Captain Hook shrieks, ducking behind his first mate thinking there were now two octopuses. 

"There, there. They're just a couple of excited sea urchins is all," Mr.Smee comforts Hook, lightly patting the captain's back attempting to soothe him. 

"It was bad enough with the blasted crocodile, now this!" the captain proclaims, tearfully. 

"Now what do we have here?" an equally sinister voice taunts, similar that to Ursula's voice, using one of her tentacles to sneak Hook a bandana from the cuff of his sleeve.

Hook turned his head to see who had shown sympathy, then did a double-take on then did he freaked out at the tentacle not knowing that it belongs to Morgana and jumped up a post holding on for dear life, and shouted once more, "SMEEEEEEEEEE SAVE MEEEEEEEE!!!"

"Oh you big bloogs you, off with you two now. Shoo-shoo, and take your arms with!!" Mr.Smee asserts, still not realizing the difference between these 'octopuses'.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourselves," he adds with a huff as he slaps away four tentacles only to infuriate both sisters into a rage.

 "YOU PITIFUL, INSIGNIFICANT FOOLS!!" Ursula's voice booms. The clear skies darken with rumbling thunderclouds followed by the echoes of Ursula's evil laughter as she arises from the raging waters.

"Oh, Undertow!" Morgana calls out in a teasing sing-song voice, in follow suit after Ursula, climbing up the Jolly Roger,  takes hold of Hook like nothing and brings him over the ship's edge like bait. 

Right on cue, a gigantic tough, intimidating tiger shark emerges from below the surface with a splash as it circles around the ship, shouting, "Make way for the Sea Queens of all the Oceans!!"  and then comes to a stop just below Hook with its massive jaws widely open.

"MEN!! SMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Hook bellows. Mr.Smee and the crew scrambles to their weapons, canons, and cannonballs, and began to open fire attempting to save their captain. Ursula intercepted the attempt by using one of her tentacles. 

"Uh-uh-uh, we wouldn't want your captain to be shark chow, now would we?" Morgana taunts again, as she casually takes a seat still holding onto Hook by the ankle. 

"You wouldn't throw old Hooky now, would you lass? All I want is for once to have the upper hook in a fight. We'll go back forever, we'll do anything you say!" Hook pleads, crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Hearing those words, Ursula got an idea, and just as quickly as the sky had darkened, the dark clouds dissolved and the sky became clear once more as if nothing happened. 

"Why, Morgana, how are you?" Ursula passively acknowledges, downsizes, and pulls out a potion, all-business.

"How fortunate, Ursula. One minute you're on top of the world and the next thing you know, you let the moment bypass you, for some scaredy-catfish. Does that seem reasonable, I ask you. Farewell!" Morgana retorts, releasing Hook back on the Jolly Roger, and leaves Ursula with Hook.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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