Open Waters to the Bermuda Triangle

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Chapter One- Fall with Me to The Open Water

As the summer sun is setting, two young girls sit on a pile of rocks as the waves crash without worry, and they continue to stare into the sunset.

"Marina, wouldn't it be amazing if we were both turned into mermaids and never deal with going to school ever again?" says, the youngest girl of the two as she turns to look at her elder sister with a smile.

"Haha, and swim all the time together? That sure sounds like a swim of endless adventure," Coral giggles, as she picks up an empty mussel shell. 

Just as both sisters start to look around and collecting empty seashells, Marina takes notice of a small bottle with a rolled-up note inside stuck in between the rocks. She picks it up in wonder. Curiously, she attempts to open the cap but it was wedged very tightly. 

"Coral, look what I found?!!" Marina exclaims, gesturing for Coral to come over. 

"What is it?" Coral asks, once she carefully comes to a stop next to her sister. 

"Dunno, but there's a message inside. I can't open it though," Marina pouts, handing the bottle to Coral. 

"Hmm, let me try," Coral responds, lightly ruffling Marina's sunshine golden hair and then attempts to unscrew the top from the bottle. 

"What does it say, Coral?? Read it, read it!!" Marina chirps, excited. 

" 'To the young fair maiden who opens this message. Don't be alarmed. You're now of age to be oceanically claimed and granted fins to swim for miles on end. You and your sibling are now Children of the Sea.' ," Coral read out loud.

"Coral, do you think our wish is coming true??" Marina asked, hopeful. 

"I'm not sure. But even if we don't get an answer, I'll make us some tails. Cool?" Coral promised, holding out her pinky. 

" 'kay!" Marina smiled, linking her pinky. 

After reading the note out loud, a sonic wave vibrates through the crashing waters. The air begins to turn ice-cold. Dark clouds block what's left of the sunset and start to drizzle lightly. Majestic, roaring waves becoming dangerously violent and crashing more harshly into the rocks both sisters were still standing over.

Fearing more for Marina's life than her own, Coral takes hold of Marina quickly gets away from their once favorite rocky hangout before a massive wave could smash down rocks to be swallowed by the tides. unfortunately, Coral got caught by a hem of her dress, snagged in between two of the rocks. 

"Coral, c'mon!" Marina exclaimed, trying to pull Coral by hand. 

"Marina, you have to go! I can't get free from these rocks!" Coral grunted, pulling her hand out of Marina's grasp. 

"I can't just leave you here!" Marina insisted, grabbing at Coral again. 

"Don't worry about me! Go and get help from mom and dad," Coral insisted, pushing Marina away.

Shocked, Marina froze. 

"GO NOW!" Coral shrieked, as she continued to struggle with her dress and the rocks.

Snapping out of her trance, Marina escapes getting help as she wept. 

Goodbye Marina. Work hard and live your life to the fullest. We'll see each other again someday Coral thought as she watched her little sister run for her life with a smile spreading on her face. A huge wave rose to swallow her whole. As she was pulled by the ocean currents into the deep blue, she was finally freed from the rocks and attempted to swim back to shore but the ocean currents were too strong. Despite being an experienced, strong swimmer and her love for the ocean. 

So is this how my young life ends? I'm sorry Marina Coral sighed inwardly, letting out three bubbles of air, floundering. 

Chapter 2- Given In to The Unknown

Before she could lose consciousness and saltwater fill her lungs, she looks back on all the memorable moments of her young life; past and present, good or present up until this moment. Memories with her all of her family, friends, schoolmates, teachers, and teammates from one event or another. Times when she was gradually developing her individuality from her pre-teen years to that last moment with her sister. How she would do anything just protect her loved ones by any means necessary. Even it meant giving up her own life. Now, she did just that. 

At least, Marina, Mom, Dad, and everyone else is safe and don't have to suffer the sacrifice I vowed upon myself Coral thought, feeling her consciousness leaving her and her body going numb from the intensive freezing temperatures. 

Just then, a man with a beautiful, flawless complexion, dark violet-blue short flowy hair, captivating aqua-green eyes, and a navy-blue colored fishtail, see Coral drowning, swims to her rescue bridal style, and studies her curiously for a brief moment in afloat. This merman isn't one so easily mesmerized by any maiden, human, or mermaid. Upon studying Coral and her features, he knew that he felt something unlocked within himself, almost as if something was telling him that she may as well be the one he'd been waiting for. Even though he knew what he would be getting into is forbidden with humans. 

"Interesting," he murmurs and begins to recite a spell to save Coral.

Water of nature walk unto her,
Water of nature come to her,
Water of  nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign,
Oh, great oceans, 
Oh great seas, answer my call answer my need, make this girl a mermaid. 

Once he's chanted his spell, he plants a merman's kiss gently onto Coral's forehead. At that moment, a gently blue light illuminates in place of Coral's toned legs, morphed into a soft- kiss-lavender-colored tail. Streaks of pastel-colored strands begin to spread throughout her once pure sunshine golden hair. The merman releases Coral and swims away quickly before Coral could open her newly violet-colored eyes, as she looks around her confused. She looks down, is shocked at her new tail, changes of her hair, and her summer dress still in one piece.

"Welcome to your new life, sweetheart," the merman smirks, causing her to spin around at the sound of his husky voice.

A sudden realization hits her as if an arrow had just pierced her skin. Rather than rejoicing in her new lifeform, she had various mixed feelings of happiness, confusion, excitement, sadness, and sorrow.

Chapter 3- Forever Together in this Beautiful Ocean, Always Safe with Me 

"Who are you? How--?" Coral starts to ask but stops midway, uncertain of what she suspected. 

"I am Triton. I'm the one who saved you. I saw you drowning, almost lifeless. So I chanted a spell to save your life. The only downside to my quick resolution is once you're a mermaid, you cannot be away from the ocean waters as before. Furthermore, in doing so to save your life, not only have I transformed you into a mermaid, but I've also given you a new life, and.... I've claimed you as mine in the process," Triton explains, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"When you said Triton, do you mean Triton as in the first-born merman of Poseidon and Amphitrite..?" Coral enquired, skeptically. 

"Yes. Yes, that I am," Triton confirmed. 

"Alright, Triton. Well, thank you for saving me. I really appreciate this. Truly I do. But about this spell, you cast onto me. Does this mean, I won't be able to see my family and friends again?" she asked, hesitantly. 

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