Part 3 Chapter 6

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       Manzo sat alone in his dark office as he continued to stare out of the fogged up windows and along the District's skyline. The skyline appeared different compared to what it was years ago- the neon lights that flashed twenty-four-seven against the concrete and glass of each building have died, leaving bland grey structures in its wake. The TV was turned on behind him on the evening news with a female news reporter reporting on today's issues echoing behind him softly.

He never did have the news on before as someone on there was always complaining about something he, himself, has done wrong. Although, they stopped mentioning his name one day and the days after that, so he started to watch the news again. 

Just like how he stopped caring about what he watched on the news, it seems like everyone stopped caring, too. They always go on about how the District is in shambles with the crumbling economy holding on to a few strings thanks to the help of some of the lingering share holders that decided to stay in the District. Even then, who knows how long until they decide to up and leave, too?

Manzo as of recently became more entranced in his thoughts with how things didn't turn out the way he wanted it to, had hoped for. Everything he fought for seemed to have accumulated up to a huge upset.

Sam's mother and sister died for nothing.

Sam, himself, died for nothing.

The Syndicate was exterminated for nothing.

He wouldn't say Eiji died for nothing, though. He, of course, died for something. 

Eiji Okamoto, Mr. Propaganda, former mayor of the Neon District, the poor boy from the slums of Ash Town got to be the martyr they were all searching for.

"We will have to interrupt our current story with some breaking news that has just come into our news room... Quite literally." The news reporter announced abruptly. Manzo's attention slid off the window and fell onto the TV screen where a 'breaking news' graphic played followed by the header 'Eiji Okamoto Found Safe.'

His eyes lit up with absolute surprise and fury. The camera panned to the left a bit at the desk to show a second person is, indeed, sitting next to the news anchor. Eiji sat there with his hands folded atop the sleek black news anchor desk with a grim smile spread across his face. He stared dead into the camera with a look that knew that Manzo would be watching. Arrogant bastard.

"All of us can't believe that you were found two years after you have gone missing... Without a scratch I may add." The news anchor woman explained as her introduction. 

"I am just as surprised as you are, ma'am." Eiji said back with a hint of surprise in his voice. "But I am not here just to let everybody know that I am safe and sound. I have some more important details to share."

"More important than you being alive?"


He said that 'yes' with such conviction. Like at this time whatever he was about to say is worth more to himself than his own life. That he would rather be shot on the spot than live without telling a soul of the things he knew. This wasn't the Eiji that Manzo knew.

"The reason for my disappearance was because, on that faithful day, I was suppose to die." Eiji paused for a second to let his words sink in to any soul that may be watching. "After the election results were announced the Watch were ordered to apprehend me per your mayor, Manzo Ogawa's, orders. He hired an assassin to finish the job at the end of a pier near the river, but as you can see- they didn't kill me."

"The assassin took pity on your life?"

"You could say that."

Eiji cleared his throat.

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