Chapter 4

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Carter stood motionless, visibly stunned as Lana ran off towards the restrooms. Things had been

going according to plan until suddenly, they weren't. A surge of anger ran through him, knowing

how close he'd been to what he wanted only to have it snatched away by---what? Interference?


His sharp blue eyes landed on Karen, the nearest target of his frustration. "It would be a wise

career move to learn when not to interrupt a gentleman simply trying to have a nice time with a

beautiful woman." The words echoed like almost silent icicles, whispered behind the noise of

the crowded dance floor. "It's rather unseemly to have me seen chasing after her, isn't it? My

father couldn't possibly approve of you engineering such a spectacle."

As if determined to prove his point, he pushed past her, leaving her absurdly cold touch and

whatever words she had to utter behind. Carter didn't run down the hall. He'd never run after a

woman and wasn't about to begin now. Still, the rapid pace of his steps and his large gait warned

anyone passing him to stay out of his way.

"Lana!" He called out in a shockingly loud voice, not caring who heard or saw. The shape of her

figure retreating down the hallway alarmed him. There would never be another night like this,

another opportunity to seal the deal with her. If he let her go, it would be nothing more than a

regret he'd always remember.

It had to be tonight.

He moved faster, dangerously close to at least jogging. "Lana, stop! Please. Don't go." Carter knew

his physical presence could be intimidating, and he didn't want to scare her off by cornering her

or grabbing her. Something told him it would only alienate her more.

His heart echoed in his chest as he moved past her, stopping only to entreat the beautiful woman

who was too shy to dance. "I'm sorry about Karen. You know what it's like to be us. It's impossible

to find a moment's peace." Carter swallowed, his dry throat alerting him to the fact he was

slightly nervous. "I don't want you to go."

His head spun a little at the realisation she'd stopped moving. Carter had expected her to brush

by him as quickly as he'd done to Karen. Every time he thought he'd figured Lana out, she

surprised him.

It was difficult to anticipate her next move, which made for a delightful challenge.

Lana's cheeks were flushed a becoming pink. For the first time, he noticed the dimple in the left

corner of her mouth when she offered her rueful smile. "I'm not in the mood for dancing any

longer, Carter. As you've said, I do know what it's like to be us. People like us can't afford to forget

the world is watching."

If he'd made himself vulnerable in chasing her, Lana's moment of vulnerability had passed. He

couldn't help but slightly admire the sensible tone in her voice, and the poised way her long

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