Chapter 3

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"We are here," the Uber driver announced as he brought his car to a stop in front of the Manafort Plaza Hotel. Lana took a deep breath as she stepped out of the car, already able to hear the muted laughter and chatter coming from inside the reception hall where the charity ball was being hosted.

"Thank you so much," she told the driver, swiping her finger across the screen of her smart phone as she input a generous tip.

The man's face immediately lit up. "Thanks a lot ma'am. And by the way, you look stunning," the driver spoke quickly, gave Lana a wink, and zoomed away before she could even say thank you. Lana brushed the skirt of her gown and then proceeded up the steps of the hotel, her heels clicking across the concrete.

"Good evening Miss, name please?" the doorman smiled as she approached. He had a list with him, and high-profile events like this were strictly by invitation.

"Lana, Lana Danforth," she tucked a stray lock of brunette hair behind her ear as she spoke. "I'm here for my father, Senator Bradley Danforth."

"You look lovely this evening Miss Danforth," the doorman said with a smile, "this way please." He led Lana past the hefty security guards and into the grand hall. She was greeted by the sweet melody of classical music, and a bustling atmosphere that she'd come to know from her time working with her father.

Lana had been feeling a bit nervous on her way to the hotel. She loved the environment of these types of events, but previously she'd always enjoyed them within the protection of her father's sphere. Still, being here with all these people, Lana felt right at home. The hall was filled with every other high-profile member in the city be they politicians, celebrities, or business people. It was certainly a star-studded affair. Even though she was just 19, Lana slotted effortlessly into the setting, it was as if she had been doing it for years.

"How are you ma'am," came a kind voice.

"You look stunning in that dress," said another.

"I'm sorry my father couldn't be here. He sends his regards though." Lana was on and about, greeting, chatting and exchanging pleasantries with the guests. She was made for this life. It was where she really thrived.

At one end of the hall, Lana greeted and chatted with guests in her father's stead, and at the other end, Carter Manafort was trying to rally as much support as possible for the next election. It was times like this that the tall and handsome Carter Manafort brought all of his charms into play, and they worked most of the time. He smiled and talked with the guests, trying to be as meek as possible, and wowing them with tales from his time with the Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. As Lana approached the other end of the hall, she started to catch part of an informal speech Carter was giving to a group of guests.

"You see, my time in Afghanistan played a major part in shaping me up to be the man I am today, and I am very proud to have served my country. I want to keep serving my country of course, but this time as a policy maker, and I hope you all key into this vision by showing support in the next congressional election." Carter had been speaking to a small group of business moguls and celebrities the whole time, and they had no option but to give him a round of applause after the strong conclusion. To them, he seemed just like the perfect man for the people.

The smile Lana had worn before suddenly disappeared when she heard the applause and took a good look at Carter. He was dressed elegantly in a black tuxedo, smiling and talking with the other guests like he was angel. She knew he was cocky and arrogant, but she couldn't lie to herself about the fact that he was attractive. She lost focus for a split second, her mind going into a mild frenzy as she remembered the night she had touched herself while playing his images in her head. She stared too much though, and by the time she snapped out of it, her eyes had met his. She tore her glance away quickly, and she could only hope that he didn't take it seriously.

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