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Taehyung caressed the older boy's hair, softly smiling as he stared at the figure sleeping in between his arms. His mind ran back to the incidents that took place no longer than an hour ago, the memory of a crying Jimin begging for him to come home, yelling into the phone over and over again as Taehyung ran out of his office and into his car, not once thinking about that meeting he had in ten minutes and how this could potentially cost him his job. He didn't care. Jimin needed him, and there wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't drop if his fiancé needed him. Nothing would ever be as important.

Suddenly, Jimin shuffled, breaking he brunette broke out of his thoughts, his eyes once again focusing on the asleep man.

Jimin was a mess. 

He had been, since he found Jungkook's dead body in their shared bedroom, face barely recognizable and the white sweater he'd stolen from Jimin's closet now painted red and torn from the stabs placed violently across his body. He had been, since the police claimed that there was no evidence as to who the killer was, and closed the case. 

He had been, since he was diagnosed with Hebephrenic schizophrenia.

Jimin was a mess, but Taehyung knew this was meant to happen. Jimin and him were meant to happen. It didn't matter to him how much of a mess Jimin was, he didn't care. It would still all be fucking mesmerizing— Jimin's mess would still be fucking mesmerizing to him, and he'd walk across the path of hell to keep that mess for himself.

Taehyung grinned, the sad smile on his face now much wider and less melancholic, eyes glimmering with a glint so close to it you'd almost assume it was love.

His fingers didn't stop playing with the strands of Jimin's hair as his gaze trailed up to look at the picture of a smiling Jungkook , hanging on their — his and Jimin's  wall. The brunette bore holes into the picture with his eyes, gaze suddenly strong and angry.

He'd clean this mess and one day, the only thing that will remain tainted will be Jungkook, not him.

mesmerized by your mess // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now