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jackson pov

"xavier? he's dead." mattia said to all of us, he sat at the very front of the long table that everyone sat.

"we're aware of that sir, elias his cousin found out who did it. he's after you sir" one of mattia's guards said, i kept my eyes on the paper in front of me, i didn't know why i was here. surely i had nothing to do with what mattia does

"one of you guys" mattia pointed his finger at us "one of y'all are working for elias, just you wait when i find out which one is it" mattia said almost slamming his fist on the table, everyone looked at each other

i just sat there.

then not even five seconds later everyone's eyes were on me, even mattia's

i chuckled setting up, they were gonna blame me i knew that. it wasn't me tho, who ever did it was smart, i should've thought about it, turning both elias and mattia against each other was fucking amazing although it wasn't my dirty work this time

"you guys are fooling yourself if you think it was me." i said looking over at mattia "believe me or not, why would i help out elias? have y'all forgotten hes also after me?" i said making a good point, elias and i never got along.

with that being said mattia nodded

"still i'm keeping an eye on you, either if your living here or not" mattia said and although he wasn't looking at me, i knew those words were towards me

there was only one reason i was staying here. one reason that's it. i did lie about me not being safe in my home. i had to in order to make myself part of this picture of my what so call plan.

just how great will it be to turn both natalia's and mattia family against each other, no even better, turn themselves against each other.

oh how great it'll be when the only thing they want from each other will only be blood

thinking about it made me smirk

mattia was stupid enough to think that i'll actually work with him. even stupid if he doesn't think that the only thing i want from him is for him to be dead.

after all working with him is a great opportunity here

now surely making mattia and natalia hate each other isn't necessary, i just wanted to make them miserable, it was something i always liked to do, doesn't matter to who or where

i was too lost in my thoughts i didn't notice the meeting was over and the only person in the room was me, mattia, ale and kairi.

i was gonna get up and leave

"you didn't answer me" mattia said making me turn to look at him, i narrowed my eyes at him. "i asked what did you talk about with natalia" mattia asked, i chuckled setting back down on the chair

"i'm guessing she didn't tell you?" i said smirking, mattia only glared at me "you have nothing to worry about here mattia, i didn't tell her anything about the truth" i lied yet didn't. i didn't really tell her why they were getting divorce, i made sure that was for another day, a day they'll remember

"so what did you guys talk about?" mattia asked, i was gonna speak but kept my mouth shut as i realized he was getting mad at the fact natalia even talked to me

smirking i finally spoke up again

"she said she loved you" i said, this wasn't a lie, no. it was the one thing i remember she told me when we had our first conversation, that one time i had to talk with mattia but he wasn't home as she kept me company

mattia stared at me

well at that time when natalia told me that, we all know it was just for her to make me believe her and mattia were in love and married cause of it

but mattia doesn't have to know why she told me it

so i'll make sure to make him believe that natalia actually told me how she felt about him when she never did

he'll think she fell for him,
i'll make sure of it.

a/n: so finally a pov of jackson, it might've been kinda confusing just bc that's how i need jackson mind to work in here, bare with me yall. anyways how y'all doing??

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