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Hey, Dad. Where are we going?" a little girl asked her father as they sat in a beautiful carriage. "We're going to a castle. You like castles, right?" her father asked though he lied. "Yes, I love castles very much. They're very pretty." the girl enthusiastically exclaimed with the brightest smile. The child is content with the father's reply then just sit quietly humming and enjoying the scenery. 'I'm sorry Selene but we have to sell our daughter to survive.' the father said in his mind. He really loves his daughter so much but he doesn't want any harm to his family. The people that he once worked for were demanding the money he borrowed and threatened to hurt his family.

Not long after the carriage stopped as they reached their destination. The coachman opens the carriage door for them and reveals a beautiful estate. "Woah! Are we gonna live here?" the girl asked, smiling as she twirls around looking around. "Yes, you are sweetheart." he lied though he's not really lying. She is going to live here just not with him or her mom. "Yeay!" the girl cheered joyfully. "Come now. We should head inside." the father called out to her to follow him. "Okay." she replied as she followed him with a smile.

They walked in the quiet hall until they reached a door. "Now, you wait here and I'll be back." the father stated as he patted her head gently. The little girl being the curious girl she is, started to wander off. Looking at every corner of the estate not knowing her panic father is searching for her. He's probably panicked because he won't get the money but then again maybe not. The head Agriche of the family not wanting to lose something he bought.


"La la la~" she sang as she explored more of the estate. She wasn't looking properly so she bumped into someone and both of them fell. "Eh? Who are you? Are you one of the maids' son?" she asked the boy in front of them. "Hahahahahahaha. Maids' son? You really don't know who I am. I'm Jeremy Agriche!" he gloated to the girl. "Haven't heard of you but nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!" she introduced herself to the boy. "Well, then what're you doing here?" he asked the girl side eyeing her. "Dad said I'll be living here!" she exclaimed cheerfully like last time. "What're you talking about? This is the Agriche house and it's not for sale." he stated which the girl shook her head stubbornly. "No, dad said me and my family are going to live here." she puffed up her cheeks in frustration.

"Actually, you're going to be staying here to work." a voice came from behind the both of you. "What do you mean?" D-Dad said we're staying here." she asked with quivering lips. "Your dad lied to you. He sold you away." he stated, smiling though his eyes were cold. "Melliana, take care of the girl." he called out to a maid. "No. No. No! I wanna go home!" she started wailing and sobbing while the older male just left and the maid is trying to calm her down. As she was crying and being brought away, the boy just stared at her and the maid's retreating figure.

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