Make A Wish

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The sound of metal clanking had woken (Y/N) up. The device is a simple timer made by nailing a candle so when it melts it would create a clanging noise when the nail fell to the metal plate where the candle is put on. "Time to do my daily duties." she spoke, standing up from her bed and got ready. She started by washing her face with the water and bowl from beside her bed. Her room was nothing fancy; it was just a standard servant's quarters. She walked up to a standard dresser and took out her uniform, corset, and undergarment. She put it on the bed before going to the bathroom to clean herself.

She slowly neared the tub of water and washed herself by pouring the water onto her. She then uses a common soap and nothing special before rinsing herself. She then dry herself with a towel that was hung on the doorknob before wrapping herself in it. She then went out of the bathroom and wiped her feets on the towel on the floor. She dropped the towel to the floor and wore her undergarments and wore a chemise over them. She then took the corset and pulled it over the height. Since a little girl she was taught how to wear her own corset.

She pulled the ribbons that lace the corset before tying it up. Then she wore her petticoat over her undergarment before she wore her black maid uniform that ended right above her undergarment. Last but not least she wore her white apron on top. "Now, I just need to tie my hair up into a bun." she stated, walking toward the table in her room. She sat down on the chair and looked into the tiny standing mirror.

She always loved the morning but not because she loves her work that much since she was forced to be there. It's because every morning she's tasked to wake up Jeremy Agriche, her long time crush since she was 7 years old. Just the thought of meeting him makes her all giddy and her stomach filled with butterflies.

"Time to start my job." she announced grabbing a piece of bread that was left for her by the head maid before she woke up. She hurriedly finished her food before drinking some water and went out of her room. She walked the long hallway humming a tune along the way before stopping at a giant bedroom door. There she saw the other two maids that were tasked to help her were already there. She slowly opened the door and walked over to the bed. "Young master." she spoke as she softly shook him awake which earned a groan from the person as he pulled his blanket over his head.

"Young master it's already morning. Please wake up." she stated, shaking him again. Without warning he pulled her by her wrist and opened his eyes irritated. "Alright. Alright, I'm up already." he spat, eyes narrowed at her. She's trying her best to stop the urge to blush from being that closed to him before finally he lets go. She quickly straightens herself and creates a distance between them.

He sat up from his bed running his hand through his hair. 'He looks so cool.' she fangirled quietly in her head. "Young master, your bath is ready." one of the maids that came in with her stated stepping out of the bathroom. He just dismissed the maid while (Y/N) took out his clothes for the day and put it on his bed. After that, she bowed and excused herself as she was only tasked to wake him up. Which was good since if she had stayed there any longer, she would've malfunction.

"Next task is to help cook breakfast." she mumbled to herself to not forget what she needs to do. The distance between his room and the kitchen was quite far so she took a little while to get there. Saying hello to her co-workers that she met along the way towards the kitchen. When she arrived at the kitchen,she was pulled by one of the cooks. "You're finally here! You have to help me." the cook exclaimed loudly, shoving a spoonful of food. "So, what do you think?" the cook asked with hopeful eyes. "It's really good." (Y/N) commented which earned a sigh of relief from the cook.

"You need to calm down, Kirsi."

"-but I can't mess this up! My mentor is away and puts me in charge!" the cook panics at the thought of her food being bad. "How about we change the topic?" (Y/N) suggested pulling the spoon from the cook. She guided the cook aka Kirsi, her best friend, to the side so they wouldn't block the way of the other cooks. "Okay, okay. So, how was your day?" Kirsi asked to stop her from over thinking. "Same old. Same old." she replied smiling. "Also, how's your relationship with the young master?" Kirsi teased, poking her cheek.

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