Breaking The Rules

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Your POV

I know young master told me that I don't need to work but I can't just sit around and do nothing. It's uncomfortable to stay in someone else's house and do nothing. But I can't work in these clothes. I need to find a maid uniform, preferably mine. Hmmm, maybe Yeona has a spare if I can't find mine. When I already thought about the plan, I walked out of the room towards the servants' quarters. "What are you doing?" a voice asked behind me, I stopped moving, shoulder tense. I turned around and saw that it was just Miss Roxanne. "Oh, miss Roxanne. I am just trying to find a change of clothes for work. Can't get this pretty dress dirty." I answered smiling, before curtsy myself to leave.

She muttered something but I didn't hear it clearly. It's probably not important so I dismissed it entirely. "Ouch!" I exclaimed, accidentally sprained my ankle on the shoes I was given. I should really get a change of shoes because I'm not used to the very thin heel of the shoes. To minimise the damage on my ankle I take off the shoes and walk barefoot while holding the two shoes. Ah, much better. Travelling through will be much better like this. Humming away a tune that I vaguely remember my mom used to sing to me.

Up high in the clouds

A castle sat, beautifully adorned

It's home to a lonely princess

Curse to be alone

She looks down on the earth bellow

Where she once lived before

Then came a melody from below

She curiously look down

It was a couple performing a tune

A flute and lut-

"Young miss! You shouldn't be here!" a voice exclaimed from my left. Ah, it's Yeona. "Yeona, just the person I was looking for. I really need a spare change of clothes for work." I blurted out, lifted the shoes that were in my hand and part of my dress with the other. She looked at me indecorously as if I said something wrong. She hurriedly curtsied trying to excuse herself but before she could leave far I held her wrist to stop her. "Wait, please. I really need a change of clothes to work. I'll make sure you won't get in trouble." I explain, trying to persuade her. She looks at me doubtfully before sighing. "Fine, I'll help you. This 'young lady' nonsense is getting on my nerves." she stated, looking annoyed.

She gestured to me to follow her to her room. I thanked her profusely while I hugged her tightly. "Ok ok, miss huggy. Don't hug me suddenly. Remember my personal space." she reminded, prying my hands away. I smiled awkwardly remembering how she doesn't like to be hugged by anyone. "Oops. Sorry I got too excited to finally meet someone who agreed that whatever this 'young miss' rubbish is utter nonsense." I explained, distancing myself from her personal space.

"You should've seen it in the morning assembly. People were woken up earlier than usual, well everyone except you."


"Wake up, Yeona. Head maid Abilene is telling us to wake up for an emergency morning briefing." Kirsi remarked, shaking Yeona awake as to not make the both of them late. She shook her a few times before Yeona groggily awakened. "What time is it Kirsi?" she asked, hopping out of the bed while stretching her limbs. Kirsi holds out her maid uniform and gives it to her so she can change into her work clothes. "It's 4.30 AM. Head maid Abilene woke up some of the others so they could help her wake up the other workers faster." she explained, waiting for Yeona to get changed into her uniform.

"Well we can't keep her waiting now can we?" Yeona spoke, coming out of the bathroom in a hurry.

Both of them quickly walk towards the mess hall for the meeting where the rest have already gathered. Some still have their pajamas on and bedheads. They all still look so sleepy but they much rather be sleepy as opposed to being fired or worse...the dungeon. Anything but that. The Agriche family is sick in the head; it will be better to die than live in pain. As the two girls practically ran to the available space before the meeting began. "We made it in time." Kirsi spoke out of breath from running to the mess hall with Yeona. Though out of breath Yeona still jumped in place to search for her other friend, (Y/N). "Where is she?" she mumbled, breathing ragged from running and jumping in place. She didn't manage to search for long as Head maid Abilene came into view.

"Good morning everyone," she greeted, looking around the room at the other workers. "We can see that some of you are still tired and dazed. We are here to give a few announcements and these announcements can not be delayed as we don't want any of you to suffer the same fate as Azure." she continued, gesturing to the head butler, head gardener, head knight and the head chef on the word 'we'.

As of today and so forth (Y/N) (L/N) will not be working as a maid.

We were given the information that she will be resigning from her job. All of her duties will be divided with the other maids to ensure work goes as accordingly.

She however will still be staying here as a lady

Hence any relationship you have with her prior to this are to be dismissed. Interactions between a lady and servants are strictly professional and with respect. Talking to her must not exceed the same way any of you talk to the Agriche

Work changes

Some of the work changes are...


I looked at her shocked and confused. "Yeah, I tried asking why but they didn't give more information. They kept saying cryptic stuff like 'The less you know the better'. What do you mean the less I know the better? You're telling me to stop pressing for answers as I am concerned for my best friend? Like hhhhh." she starts to ramble on and on about her frustration. I need to stop her before she says something that will get her into trouble. "Well," I interrupted, waiting for her to pay attention to me. Once I had all her attention, I told her what happened this morning and it's her turn to look shocked and confused. "Wha-? But why would he say that? Did he touch you in any way? Hurt you?" she asked, cupping my face and inspecting me as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know either. All I remember is waking up in my room with all my things gone. Everything except this." I responded, pointing at the necklace. "My parents gave me this on my birthday." I added. We were already nearing her room. "Ok, wait here. I don't need someone to see me helping you with this. You know what happened to Azure." she reminded, walking into her room. I sighed, rocking back and forth on the heel of my feed. I was never a patient person. That's why I found a way to pass time faster by imagining different scenarios in my head. What would my life be if I was still with my parents? Or what would it be like to have my feelings reciprocated by the person I love? I must get enough money to meet my parents. I need closure and-

"Hello, earth to (Y/N)."

Huh? Yeona's voice brought me back to reality. "This is one of your work clothes that you left in my room last week. Don't worry, I washed it for you and these are my spare shoes." she uttered, handing me the clothes and shoes. "Thank you so much Yeona! Have I told you that I love you?" I exclaimed, taking the clothes and waved goodbye. Running towards the new room that I was given. Once inside I changed into my work clothes before stepping out of the room. I'm already behind in work but I can start cleaning the window. "Hmm I could start with these windows." I muttered, walking towards the broom closets that are placed in certain points in the place. Taking out the wiper and 2 tubs feeling it with water and soap. Once everything is prepared I start cleaning the windows. Humming away to pass time quickly.

"What do you think you're doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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