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    - Jisung

"Jeno it's been awhile" I said and Renjun sat in between us looking confused as shit

"I wish it was longer" I added saying it softly so no one would hear

"Jisung do you know this guy" Renjun asked and I nodded

"he went to my old school we used to be friends" Renjun frowned

"well back to why I am keeping you here with me can you tell him to go" I sighed

"Jeno leave him alone" Jeno smiled

"but he's cute" I rolled my eyes

"he's also taken" Jeno raised and eyebrow

"damn you were gone what six months and you've already got a boyfriend" I stared at Renjun, this was not in the plan

"yeah now leave us alone bye bye" Renjun said pulling me away

"what was that" I said freaking out

"sorry let's just forget that happened and I need to go find Jaemin" I nodded and he ran away

"oh no something bad is going to happen I can just feel it" I said going back to where Jeno was, I needed to clear that up before something happened

"hey Jeno before you get the wrong idea he is" I said before someone cut me off, it was Chenle

"hi Jisungie" he said jumping on my back

"really Jisung two boyfriends" I sighed

"I'm not dating him" Chenle said getting off my back

"I'm not dating the other guy either he's just my friend" Jeno laughed

"I know Jisung he's not your type and the way looked shocked when he said you were dating says it all" Chenle frowned at him

"who is this guy" he asked 

"Chenle meet Jeno" Jeno smiled and him and waved

"oh he's the guy who spread the rumors" Chenle said, he had an evil look in his eyes

"false I did not spread anything" I rolled my eyes

"let's go Lele" I said and grabbed his hand

"Jisung please for once can you no be so stubborn and just hear me out" I sighed but continued walking until Chenle stopped me

"Chenle let's go" I said and he shook his head

"Jisung, regrets are the worst thing in life" he said to me and walked away, god dammit when did he get so smart

"nice friends you got" Jeno said and I turned around to face him

"they're the best" Jeno smiled

"do you wanna go outside there will be less people" I nodded and followed him to the backyard

"Jisung before you say anything I just want to say I'm sorry" I nodded

"it's okay I forgive you" I said and he shook his head

"no I'm sorry that I didn't try harder to reach out when you blamed me for the rumor and I'm sorry I just let you think it was me I'm sorry I was such a bad friend" I frowned, even after all this time he still claims it wasn't him

"let me ask you a question who else would've spread the rumor" he sighed

"that day when you told me I was on the phone with my ex and when you came to me I thought I hung up but I realised after you left that I didn't and I begged her not to say anything and she said she wouldn't when it got leaked I blamed myself I think that's why I let you blame me" I frowned, his story made sense since he was kinda dating this manipulative bitch at the time

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