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I have never been very athletic. I might be good at a lot of things but there are some things that are just not meant for me. You would think, putting one foot after the other, or coordinating my hands to where my eyes want them to be, would be easy, but I have not been blessed with either of those qualities. As arduous as it might sound, sometimes you cannot escape the things you hate, or the things that you simply just want to avoid. And today, I must run.

Just one foot after the other, Mel.

No matter how fast I try to get away, the loud roar of his motorbike is never far behind. My feet spin into a narrow street, but to my dismay, it is not very crowded, which means he can easily follow me in here. I run and run until I reach the end of the street and my eyes land on Central Park. If I go through the trees, his bike might not be able to catch up.

The snow is still falling, making the sky look darker than it usually would be at this time. With barely any time left to sunset, the little light providing the shred of visibility available right now, is also beginning to disappear. I know going into the park after the dark is a terrible idea, but I don't see myself flush with choices.

I reach the edge of the snow-laden trees and turn around for one last look before I let them engulf me. My eyes lock with his and his expression is inscrutable. His lips move as he yells something but the words dissipate with the strong, freezing wind and never make their way to my ears. If I didn't know any better, I'd say his eyes almost look like they're pleading for something, but I do know better. And as much as I hate to admit it to myself, he is with them.

The world is getting darker as each second passes and he is getting closer. My lungs are screaming for air and my legs are ready to give up any second. The pounding of my heart is loud enough to be heard over the loud splatter of the water. On any normal day, I wouldn't put myself through this torture. But today is not a normal day. And today, I must run.

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