Chapter 03

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Like a lot of children at five years of age, I was also obsessed with Dora the Explorer. So much so, that I had to beg my mother to get me a haircut so I could look just like her. She had reluctantly agreed. When I looked at my photos of that time as a girl who was old enough to care about her appearance, I would cringe in horror and grill my mother for ever letting me turn into a literal cartoon character.

Needless to say, I had never chopped off my hair that short again. And now my reflection stares back at me from the salon mirror. Somehow, Kevin had convinced me to finally get rid of my long mane that almost covered my entire back. Not only that, he practically forced me to get caramel highlights. Granted, they weren't much lighter than my actual hair color, but it was still a major change for a hair novice like me.

My brand-new hair frames my face in shiny waves, going all the way to my shoulders. Of course, I do not look like Dora the Explorer this time around, but I've never had hair this short before in much of my adolescent and adult life.

"Oh, my God, Mel!" Kevin squeals. "You look absolutely stunning. Don't you love it? Tell me you love it," he claps his hands, jumping up and down in joy.

"It's... different," I finally manage to say.

"That's the whole point, girl. We're all tired of the boring luscious mane you've been carrying around ever since you got here. Beautiful, but boring."

"It's just kind of weird. When I run my hands through my hair, it's a little shocking when they end so soon," I chuckle, running my hands through them again to show him what I'm talking about.

"You'll get used to that. Just focus on how hot you look," he winks at me, making me laugh.


The last time Nick talked to me was at the party. Even though he promised to call or text so I could show him around, I never heard from him again. Not that I had expected to. I mean, it was for the best that we weren't so close.

Ever since, I have seen him around a few times.

I was walking across campus, on my way to meet up with some classmates to work on a project when I had spotted him walking with his arm around a blonde girl. I ignored the pinch in my heart, strictly attributing it to an old, stupid crush.

The second time I saw him I had wondered if he had gotten lost. Because Nick was in the library. This time though, he spotted me and waved. I don't remember waving back at him but when I looked away, my hand had betrayed me and was definitely waving back like a maniac. I immediately put it down, trying to hide my embarrassment behind my hair. Luckily, he hadn't noticed since he just walked over to a pretty girl sitting two tables away. Her thick, jet-black hair swayed aside when she looked up at him, revealing a round face with soft, beautiful features, and eyes hidden behind glasses. She grabbed her books, stood up and kissed him on the lips. And then they both left.

The third time was at the cafeteria next to the campus where I was hanging out with my friends. Nick showed up, once again, a brand-new girl on his arm and sat in a booth at the end of the room. When they were both leaving, he saw me and smiled. I had no intention of returning that smile but even if I did, he didn't give me a chance as he walked out without looking back.

During the past two months, I had seen him around a few other times, either alone or with a girl, but never the same girl twice. Although, this didn't surprise me. All those weekends and holidays spent over at the Graysons; one thing had become abundantly clear: Nick Grayson was a playboy.

Sometimes he would smile or wave, other times he wouldn't notice me. Or maybe he did notice but just ignored. But he never came up to talk.

Somehow, I had once again ended up crossing paths with him. Here he was, playing soccer with his friends on the campus grounds. At a place which just so happens to hold the spot where I come to read.

I have spent many hours reading on this bench. A lot of the times I've been here, people are playing some kind of sport nearby. But this is the first time I've paid attention. Although, I'm not exactly paying attention to the game. My eyes remain glued to him. How his hair bounces when he runs. When he runs his hand through it in frustration after the other team scores a goal. How the muscles of his chest flex under his shirt that is almost glued to his skin. His jaw clenching when he focuses on stealing the ball from the other team.

All of a sudden, his blue eyes catch me staring at him and I instantly dart my gaze away, pretending to read. A few seconds pass and I manage to raise my head again, hoping he'd be lost in his game once again, but he's staring right at me. Heat rushes to my cheeks, my ears, my hands. He returns to the game, but not after staring a few seconds too long.

I sit there for a while. Pretending to read at first and then trying to read. My mind continues to fixate on my shame. I want to leave but my limbs refuse to move. The feeling of embarrassment overwhelms me and I attempt to distract myself by focusing on the cover of the book I've somehow managed to shut. When the feeling finally returns to my legs, I get up and turn around, ready to dash away from there as fast as I can.

"Hey, Melody," I hear his voice call out making me halt in my tracks. Slowly, I turn back to face him. The game is over and he's walking over to me. Suddenly, I feel awfully aware of every part of my body. I don't know what to do with my hands so I clutch them both tightly to the book, my knuckles turning white from the tight grip.

"Hi," I choke out as he reaches close enough for me to hear.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good." I still don't understand why he is talking to me. All those other times that he saw me, this never happened.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you. I've been so busy with everything," he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Oh, it's alright. I understand." Good. That sounded polite and human.

His friend yells for him from a few yards away.

"Yo Grayson! You coming?"

Nick nods at him.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around," he smiles at me.

I return the smile with a nod and turn around to walk away.

"Oh, and Melody?" He stops me once again. This time I just look back at him without turning my body.

"Nice hair," he smiles and runs away to catch up with his friends, leaving me stunned.

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