Chapter 01

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Home. For years, I had the perfect one. And then, suddenly, I didn't. Life can be funny sometimes. It's been almost four years since I lost my perfect home. Nothing could ever come close. Everything after that has just been a place to live. But this, the beautiful gold laden trees, the rustic air, the same old brick buildings, yellow leaves carpeting the grass, and crimson all around, this is a very close second. Harvard is home.

"Ah, Mel! I missed you so much," Emma wraps me in her arms the moment I step foot into my dorm room. Emma has been my roommate since I first got here and probably the biggest reason why this place feels like home. She has lived in Boston all her life and played a major part in helping me settle in.

"I missed you, too, Em," I exclaim. "Now let me go," I groan into her hug and she finally lets go. I've never been big on hugs but as fate would have it, Emma is a hugger.

We have our differences, ranging from our majors all the way to our choices in food. We're both starting our sixth semester today. It seems like only yesterday when a short, chirpy girl with the shiniest black hair and large, round spectacles that covered half her face, walked into my dorm room and introduced herself as my roommate. Now, we're halfway done and I can't imagine staying in this place without her. Most of our classes are separate, with her studying English Literature and me majoring in Math, but she is still my best friend here.

"So, Kevin should be here any minute and we're going to a party tonight," she informs without lifting an eye from her phone. "Get settled, because we're leaving as soon as he arrives."

"But Em, I'm so tired," I groan.

"Shut up. Your flight was barely an hour long. Stop making excuses," she rolls her eyes.

She is right, though. My flight was short and I'm not actually tired. I have just never been the kind of person who likes being around so many people at once. They make me uncomfortable and I try to avoid putting myself in uncomfortable positions. Although, that has never stopped Emma from forcing me to go everywhere with her. Most of the time, I actually do end up having a really nice time, so I've stopped complaining. And if I ever end up not enjoying myself, she is considerate enough to return with me early, no matter how much she may not want to. So, it kind of works out.

Just as I'm done putting everything in place, there is a knock on the door and I turn around to see Kevin letting himself in. He bleached his hair over the summer. The photos definitely did not do any justice to how he looks in real life. But this is Kevin; everything looks great on him.

"Damn, Kev, how do you keep getting hotter," Emma sighs as she gets up to meet him.

"Stop always flirting with me, Em," he dramatically fans himself with his hand.

"I can't help myself," she winks at him.

"You know I love you, babe," I hear him say while I get some clothes out to change into.

Suddenly, I feel his huge arms engulf me from behind. "But sorry, Mel is still my number one," he chuckles, placing his chin on my shoulder and then pointing to one of my dresses. "That one," he orders.

"Ah Kev, what would I do without you," I take the floral sundress he picked and change into it, topping it off with a denim jacket and military boots and we set off for the party.

I met Kevin in my Economics class and somehow, we bonded over our mutual love for green skittles. He saw me eat them while putting the green ones aside.

"You know, those are the best ones, right?"

"That's why I'm saving them for last."

We started talking from there and the rest is history. He was new to the city as well so I introduced him to Em, and the three of us have been inseparable ever since.

Everyone from everywhere is at this party, or at least that's what it feels like. It takes me a few minutes to get comfortable but it's smooth sailing after that. It's not that I have trouble talking to people, it's just that I don't like talking to people. There are only a few people that I genuinely enjoy spending time with, but as long as they are with me, I can manage to have fun too.

We mingle for a while, saying hi to everyone after the long break and playing a few games. Well, it's actually Emma and Kevin doing most of the talking and playing, but I tag along, until I eventually have to excuse myself to find a bathroom. As I'm making my way back, I think I hear someone call out my name. Everything is loud so I ignore it but then I hear it again. This time, loud and clear.


There is only one person who calls me that and even if he didn't, I would recognize that voice anywhere.

I slowly spin around and my eyes land on him. Two years later and the sight of him still makes me nervous. And why wouldn't it? He is still as beautiful as the first time I saw him. I think, he might just look even better. His chocolate brown hair bounces as he jogs slightly to make his way to me.

"Nick, hi," I mutter, my voice barely coming out of my chest.

I knew he was coming to law school here but I expected my chances to run into him to be extremely slim. And yet, here he was, with his gorgeous smile, the same old delicious scent, and those blue eyes. So blue, I can already feel myself drowning in them.

Holy hell. Get yourself together, Mel.

"Hey! How you doing?" He sounds so excited to run into me. I don't understand. Why?

"Oh, I'm good. When did you get here?" I try to compose myself. I can have one conversation with him without embarrassing myself.

"About a week ago. I was hoping I'd run into you."

"You were?" My voice sounds more surprised than I intended it to be.

"Yeah. I figured, you've been here for two years, we could maybe hang out sometime and you could show me around," he chuckles. That's weird. Why would he want to hang out with me?

"Oh, yeah, sure. I would love to," I mentally facepalm myself as the words leave my mouth. We barely know each other. In the four years I've known him, we have literally only had one real conversation. Granted, it was the realest conversation I'd had with anyone in a long time, but I doubt it even registered in his brain, since we never had a conversation like that again. I don't think he even remembers.

"Cool. I'll hit you up and we can plan something. It was great seeing you after so long," he playfully shoves my shoulder a bit and then walks away to a group of his friends, leaving me stunned.

"Who was that," Kevin's voice interrupts the replay of what just happened going on in my head.

"Yeah, 'cause damn, that man is hot," Emma joins him.

"I know, right. Yum," Kevin adds. "What were you talking about, Mel," he smirks at me while raising a mischievous eyebrow.

"Nothing. He's just a family friend and came over to say hi."

Yeah, Mel. A family friend you've been obsessed with for years.

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