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s a m a n t h a

I have lost count of the days I've been in this hell hole. Every time me and Jason get in a fight, he tries to apologize by buying me shit which I'm getting tired of because I see it as a way he's trying to spoil me to forget about it. Obviously, the things he says to me hurts me and I can't get them out of my head. So instead I've been trying to hang out with Kat more, she's the only one that understands what I'm feeling she was against all of this.

So here we sat in her room on the floor drawing on our notepads with different types of markers, pencils, pens, etc, while both of the twins stood outside as watch dogs.

"You know, I haven't really introduced myself properly, have I?" she said out of the blue, not taking off her eyes off the paper.

I looked up to see her soften gorgeous face. She was concentrated but also willing to multitask. "I don't think so."

"Mhm, well I don't mind telling you my life story," she groaned lightly as she stood up from her position. She was on her knees and facing me, her pencil down and full attention on her," my family lived off of stealing from wealthy people. They pretended to be yard workers and would steal almost everything from their home, in the meanwhile I was living with my older brother. When my parents got caught, they had people from dangerous areas wanting to get revenge on me and my brother, so my brother didn't want to deal with me since i was only 6 at that time and tried leaving but they killed him before he could leave. I hid under the couch, and luckily my small figure could fit under there and they never suspected someone hiding under the couch. I saw them kill my brother. I saw them slice his neck and limbs off, I was only 6." the terror look in her eyes showed how fucked up she felt after everything, she wasn't the same. "I sorta followed my parents food steps and started stealing from wealthy people, it was a nice life for a few years. When I turned 15, Jason found me in a situation I wasn't able to get myself out of. A group of wealthy dangerous people caught me and they were about to yank my eyes out when Jason came to the rescue and killed every single one of them without trouble. He took me in and trained me to defend myself since I was the first woman to join him and he knew there were going to be disgusting men out there try to do horrible things to me."

Hearing Kat tell me about her life was something that I couldn't compare to mine. Yeah sure it was shit, but nothing compared to hers. I at some point had loving parents, I'm guessing she didn't.

"Throughout the years, I've stuck with Jason till now. We have seen the bad and the good. We have seen our friend die in front of us. I had tp burry 23 of my friends bodies over shitty people that gets in our way. I knew it wasn't a good idea to bring you in not only because the kidnapping was a shitty way to build a relationship with you because of the amount of enemies we have around."

With a sigh, I got off my floor position. "Why couldn't he just talk to me like a normal person?"

"That's exactly what I told him." she giggled.

"I wouldn't go out with him anyways. He's in a gang and a murderer. I don't deal with shit like that." I shook my head and crossed my arms.

But just like that old phrase everyone says, "Don't judge a book by its cover," but he's enough to judge.

"Girl I've done the same and you still managed to build a friendship with me," Kat burst out laughing. I looked at her in disbelief, she's right though but she's different, "putting all of our crimes aside, we're the nicest and chill people you'll ever meet. We're trustworthy. We don't go around mass murdering everyone we see, we do it for a good reason. If we know someone that has done something incredibly bad, we will make sure to eliminate them."

"What kind of people do you guys eliminate?" I questioned curiously.

"Bad people." she pointed her index finger at me. "Serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, abusers, etc. Those kinds of bad people."

Oh so they're doing Gods work?

The door to her suddenly barge open, making our heads snap towards the direction of the door to find Jason standing there with a tired looking expression. My heart immediately started racing, I didn't want to go back to our room. I wanted to stay with Kat and talk more. Anything to get me away from that man.

"Let's go." Jason signaled with his head by snapping it towards the direction of the hallway.

With a sigh, I stood up and grabbed my notepad and pencil with me. Kat stood up with me and gave me a hug while whispering, "Give him a chance."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. He wishes. The only thing I'm giving time is time to think of a way to get the fuck out of here.

I walked out of her flustered pink room with a sad expression. Jason guided me to our room once more.

We walked in quietly, without saying a word to each other. I plopped down on the sofa and continued drawing on my notepad, ignoring Jason's presence in front of me.

"Are you hungry?" he asked me. I shook my head, not wanting to say a word to him. I heard him sigh before walking a little closer to me. "I can practically hear your stomach growl before it does."

And just on cue, my stomach released the loudest growl I've heard my entire life.

"Get away you creep." I groaned, shoving his face that was practically in front of mine.

Jason's large hand gripped my wrist, stopping me from doing anything else. He pinned to the couch head board behind me, making me wince in pain a little.

"Don't touch me like that ever again, you hear me?" he snapped.

I yanked my hand away and slammed my book shut. I stood up, storming away from him and going to the bathroom. The only room I can have privacy. And the only room I could go to without having to be in the same atmosphere with Jason.

"You can't hide in there all the fucking time, you moron." I heard Jason say from behind the door. "One day, you will get on my last nerve and I will break this stupid door down."

"And do what?" I challenged him. I knew if I did, he wouldn't have an answer.

"Don't test my temper, Samantha. I mean it." he banged on the door to startle me, then I heard his foot steps faint away. The sound of the bedroom door closing with a bang told me that he was gone and I was able to leave the bathroom.

I stepped out quietly out of the bathroom, making sure that Jason was really out of the bedroom. Once the coast was clear, I closed the bathroom shut and started making my way towards the bed. I was really exhausted and this man she kept me up just to make me upset.

And soon as I laid down and closed my eyes, getting the sleepiness take over, there was a loud bang downstairs. Almost like a gun. My eye shot wide open, heart racing a million miles and body shaking. 

Who could possibly make that noise at this time of night? 

Like every white person that can't mind their business, I stood up from the bed and started making my way downstairs. The loud commotion started growing louder every step I took down 

The bright white marble floors were shiny and clean, were now stained with a dark crimson red. The smell of iron lingered the room like perfume, then a large buff body was laid on the floor with blood dripping from it's face. He was unrecognizable, but the horrific events did not stop be from gasping loudly and made everyone in the room snap their heads towards me with a shocked expression. 

"Oh no." Grayson whispered, while Jason's wide hazel eyes stared into my soul, almost like wanting to take it away.

If only I should have minded my business.



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