Nine. Five: Luciella part 2

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So here's the rest of this two shot! Hope its okay... and any ideas are welcomed. Oh and this part will have parts in both Natsu's and Lucy's pov.


Loki lead us up, down, and all around rhe mansion. Finally stopping in front of a door in one of the older wings

"Where are we?" I ask, trailing my finger on the wall, leabing a trail as my finger picks up the dust. I scrunched my nose. "And when was the last time this place was cleaned?"

"This was where Lady Layla conducted her work. Sir Jude could not bare this place when she died, so he had it gather dust."

I furrow my brows together. "What work did she do? Why did she need to work?"

"Well she didnt need to, bit she liked it so she. She hemed outfits. She died before she could finish hemming it, and the owner didn't want it back. So its been here." He opens a door to reveal a room of white. A door to what i pursume to be a closet is over on the side. On the sides were a couple fancy sofas, lined in gold fabiric. In the middle was a plushy arm chair with a table in front of it, the table had a sewing machine on it. On the far wall back a rack of fabrics, measuring tapes, and other equipment.

But there was something else different about this room compared to the rest of the abandoned wing. It was clean, not a spect of dust.

"Mavis? Are you here?" Loki calls out.

Mavis? Who's Mavis? Did she work for my mom?

"Yes?" A feminine young voice says from behind us.

I jump, then looking back I see its a girl with long wavy blonde hair, and vibrant green eyes.

The girl, I assume to be Mavis looks at me, her eyes welling up with tears. She hugs me. "Layla-sama!"

Loki pries her off me. "Mavis, this isnt Layla. This is her daughter Luciella, Lucy for short.

Mavis looks down. "Oh."

I smile polietly, "I'm guessing my mom was important to you. I would like to get to meet you, but first I need to ask a favor of you..."

She perks up at this. "What kind of favor?"

"She needs a dress to the ball! So she can go and be free from this place for the night!" Happt twirls.

Her eyes sparkle. "Your asking me to make a dress??? For you? I would love too!!!!" She jumps around the room.

I smile. "So.. will it be done in time?"

"Oh, it will be..."


The next day, Minerva gives me atleast three time the amount of chores then usual. But folding sheets, dusting plates, or even cleaning the entire house will not stop me from going to this ball.
I Luciella promise this.

So with speed I didn't know I have, I race around the house leaving every room dust, dirt, and grime free. And by the the time I do one last sweep through the house, I can see my reflection in the floors, walls, and furniture. And surprisingly I finish with an hour to spare. Are I awesome or what?

Happy follows me. "I didnt think you would actually pull it off."

"Thanks for having high expectations for me."

I find Minerva and the evil twins in the Minerva's dressing room. They all looked horrid as usual, except for the pretty bows in their hair.

"Im finished." I walk into the room.

Minerva turns to ne, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

I nod.

She rolls her eyes, and sighs. "Fine, you can come."

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