Five: Stuck Together

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"Sorry minna that its been so long, creativity has been coning and going like flies and ive been busy but here is the next one. Let me know if yoy have any special requests!!! >·

WHAT?!" A certain fire and celestial mage shout in unison at the scarlrt requip mage.

The scarlet mage crossed her arms over her chest, an annoyed look on her face. "Thats right, untill you two reslove your conflict, you will be stuck together with a pair of handcuffs."

"But Erza! If we are stuck together then that means we need to go to the bathroom, and shower, and sleep," Lucy gulped, cheeks reding in color, "together."

"I cant be stuck together with her! I -" Natsu yelled in rage.

In a flash, Erza appeared right in front of the two mages, grabing their wrists. When she let go, a handcuff was linking the two together.

Erza then started to walk away, waving goodbye in their direction. "Remember, when you reslove your differnces the cuffs will unlock." With that last note Erza left the two alone.

Natsu growled at the celestial mage, she hissed  back. Then a light bulb appeared above her head, "Natsu I forgive you," she says through clenched teeth.

Natsu looks at her through the corner of his eyes, getting what she was saying. "Right, and I'm sorry," He says venom like.

The cuffs started to grow warm, then crazy hot, burning both of their wrists.

"Oh and the apology must be truthful, or our wall do that!" Erza calls back at the two.

Lucy sighs annoyed, then started to head out the door, pulling Natsu with her.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME WITCH?!" He wrestles against her wishes.

"WE'RE GOING BACK TO MY HOUSE! I'M GOING TO FIND A WAY TO GET THIS OFF US!" She yells at him, clearly annoyed. He stops, and follows her a scowl on his face.


A few hours later, Lucy flops down on her chair, Natsu sitting on the floor. Books scatter the floor, bed, and desk.

"Well? Did you find anything?" He asks agitated.

"No, but I dought you could do better, seeing as your a baka." She snaps.

"Who you calling baka? Nerd."

"There's nothing wrong with liking books!" Lucy stated, her face starting to become read.

Natsu started to laugh, "Your face is a horrifying state of red!"

"Well at least I have style!"

Natsu scoffed, "You dont know the meaning of style. IN FACT A PIG HAS MORE STYLE THEN YOU!"



Lucy went quite at thay last remark.

She turned away from Natsu, blinking back tears. "I'm going to take a shower." She started walking towards the bathroom, pulling Natsu with her.

"Wait!you can't take a shower now err still linked together!"

"WELL YOU CAN JUST NOT LOOK WHILE I TAKE ONE." She snaps. Not looking at him.

He clasps his mouth shut, defeated.


Natsu leaned against the tile, he stared at the wooden door. His clothes stuck to him, as steam engulfed the room. The upper part of his arm was wet.

"Are you almost done?" He asks irritated.

The sound coming from the shower head muffled any responce.

So being a the stupid idiot he is, he pulled back the curtain if Lucy's shower, to a red,puffy eyed Lucy, and a now upset Lucy.

Now mind you, natsu at least didnt look down to admire Lucy's frame. But lucy being Lucy, her cheeks went red with embarrassment. She grabbed the shower curtain and used it as a screen to hide behind.

"I told you im almost done!" She said, her voice breaking.

Batsy waved his hands in defence. "I didn't hear you! Geez. Its not like this is the first time I've seen you naked." He rolls his eyes.

Lucy raises her foot to kick Natsu, but stops half way. Liwering her foot she turbs off the water. Then looks down, her bangs shadowing her  eyes. "What are we doing?" She asks quietly.

"What do you mean what are we doing? We're fighting, a fight I'd which you started." He says annoyed.


Natsu raked his mind trying ti renember why they were fighting but, couldnt remember.

Lucy  slumps to tge floor as she continues, "AND MAYBE THERES A REASON I DONT KEEP DATES. MAYBE IM WASTING MY TIME ON A STUPID IDIOT WHO WONT EVER NOTICE ME.BUT I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE, I CANT STAND FIGHTING YOU ANYMORE. It hurts. It hurts to fight you. Natsu." The tear that Lucy had veen keeping all this time spilled over. With her free hand she trued ti wipe her tears away, with no avail.

And Natsu, Natsu stood there shocked. Then slowly he grabbed a towel and drapped it over Lucy, sitting beside her.

"I'm sorry Luce. I'm sorry for being a jerk and an idiot. Im sorry for hurting you, and for making you cry."

"...I'm sorry too Natsu..." Lucy responds quietly.

The arms that were attached by the hand cuffs, started to glow. The hand cuffs fell to the floor. Setting Natsua nd Lucy free.

"Lucy were-"

"Yeah I know..." Lucy starts to get up and walk out the door, crying now stopped.

Natsu was about to get up and follow but fell back down with a sudden realization. "Wait... Lucy... am I... the idiot your wasting your time on?"

Lucy rolls her eyes. "Baka. Why would I say that if you weren't?" A blush starts to grow on her cheeks. She turns and runs to her bedroom.

Natsu hurries after her, telling her name.

The cuffs summer and disappear.


At the fairy tail guild hall ...

A pair of hand cuffs appear on the table next to a slice of strawberry cake, Erza's cake.

She picks up the cuffs with a smug look, and tosses the cuffs to Mira, "told you they would make up before the day was up."

Mira started off into space, "yes but did they confess their love for each other... probably...."

Fire in my soul, key to my heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora