Ten: Crush

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Hey there minna! Hows life? Hopefully its been treating you well, or we will just have to punch it in the face, (a very Natsu way of doing stuff I know.) Anyway heres the next one, its in Natsu's pov by the way... >·


I remember playing in the fields while our moms and dads chatted over tea. Her short hair the same color as the flowers of sun. Her eyes reminded me of the sweetest chocolate. Her smile and laugh could melt even the coldest ice.

"Lets go exploring!" I said one day, taking her small hand and running farther away from our parents.

"Uh... is this a good idea?" She asked concerned.

I laughed at her concern. "Of course its alright, we aren't going to far!"

She giggled.

We ran run till our heads we submerged in the tall grass. Then we bursted in to a clearing. Green grass covered the dirt beneath, and there was a small creek with stones on the bottom. Its water a crisp blue.

She looked at her relfection. Her eyes wide with awe. "Im not as pretty as mommy..." she looked away, sighing.

I tilted my head. "Your prettier then your mom."

She blushed, "th... thanks..."

I toke a breath, I had wanted to tell her something really important. "Luce I-"

"LUCY WHERE ARE YOU?!" We heard her father call.

"We better get back..." she said, runnng back toward the house.

I followed.

She hugged me goodbye, and like the last ray of sunshine before the night she was gone.

That was the last time I saw her... I dont know why she never came back... did I do something wrong? I dont think so...

Its been ten years sience then.

I kneel beside the stream from all those years ago, its become a tradition for me.

I know alot of the time I would be late for school as I would come and just think. But thankfully its summer so I don't have to worry about that now. I feel the sun watching me from behind.

I turn to the sun. "Do you mind??? Im trying to have a moment and your sort of ruining it by watching!" I call to the sun.

Almost as if the sun had heard me, clouds started to devour the sky in a angry, im gonna eat your face darker grey. The crackle of thunder rattled across the field.

I put my hands up in defense. "No need to get rude sun. Im sorry, im sorry!"

That might have made it worse... as thats when the first drop fell.

I take off towards the house before real down pours starts.

"Stupid sun..." I curse under my breath as I close the back door to my house. Well... its actually my parents but there're in another country for buisness right now... so its mine for the time being. Now I was incapable of looking outside as the rain was falling so hard.

"I hope you didn't get too wet in the rain." A voice speaks behind me. I turn to look at my tutor, Makorov. He's also the one eho has bebb taking care of me while my parents are away.

I smirk, "Nope I got inside before it started. Didn't want my fabulous hair to get wrecked."

He grabs my ear, and pinches it hard. He yells at me as he drags me down the hallway. "Then maybe you can tell me why you ditched out on our lessons!"

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