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The sky was devoid of all clouds on this sunny afternoon. The wind was hot, caressing the students' cheeks like a warm touch while they were all chatting excitedly in the school's garden. Laying eyes closed on the grass, head against my backpack and joint between my lips, I was hoping the day would never stop and we'd just be stuck in this moment forever.

- I can't believe we graduated.

Looking like she was at a loss for words, Mandy sighed like it was some kind of fantasy dream coming true. I could practically hear Josh shrug when he stole the joint from me.

- Of course we did, darling, look at us, he said like it made his point.

Knowing where this was going, I was already snickering, and Jake ran a hand through my hair.

- You had to take three re-take exams.

As usual, the twins started bickering, with Josh yelling at Jake that he thinks he's so smart, and Jake making fun of him for being thick-headed, their fake fight soon covered by our collective laughter, until Sam spoke.

- Yeah, not everybody here wears an ugly ass hat, you know.

Craning my neck backwards to look at him between the green grass and its daisies, I understood he was mentionning the golden graduation hats we all had to wear, along with the robes, while he and Danny sat in the middle, plain shirts and ripped jeans in contrast with our shiny attire. Not really sure what to say, we all went silent out of sympathy, and Mandy gave their hands a gentle squeeze as I rolled over on my belly to see them more clearly.

- The year will fly by in no time, you'll see, I smiled, trying my best to reassure them.

I often forgot that they were seniors in high school when we first met them, since the academy served both as university and secondary school. To think that they were now starting their last year... time sure flew by.

- Aw Sammy, no need to cry, said Josh teasingly, you know we won't find another bassist as great as you.

- And as annoying, added Jake unhelpfully.

Nothing had really changed between us. Sure, some fights had broken through, about the band, our friendship, or love. Even Danny at some point had had enough of everyone's shit and gave the most spectacular tantrum we had ever witnessed. Or some days it was because of Sam, who was feeling bored and therefore acted like a little bitch. Mandy had her fair number of yelling with both him and Josh, when they both went overboard with the playful-turned-sassy banter. As for Jake and I... of course we had ours. Some really ugly, I recalled, but in the end we always got to the other to apologize and reconcile with a hug and a kiss, sometimes more... Those three years went by awfully fast, and it was with a strange sense of nostalgia that my mind filled itself with memories of our time passed together. The concerts, the nights out drinking, or playing board games inside, and others completely depressed and tired because of said nights. That time Danny lifted me under the arms at a rock festival so I could see the stage. And the one we all crashed at their dorm and in Sam's bed just to piss him off. And that day Josh and Mandy went out in drag just for the heck of it. And Jake... even if I wanted too, I couldn't think of anything that involved him without adorning a fond smile. He was always there. For every trouble I had, he offered his help. And every laugh, we shared together. The butterflies were long gone, but replaced with something more heartfelt and real, like a connexion. For the first time in my life I was feeling like I was his and he was mine, in a very pure way. I felt whole with him. Not that I could ever tell anyone, let alone the boy himself, it was too embarrassing. The gang had already made me the butt of the joke waaaay more than once, so I'll pass this time, thank you very much.

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