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Zhen Jie stepped out of her apartment and locked the front door, taking in the scent of cinnamon buns that one of her neighbors was baking. Her stomach growled, not having Yi Zhao bring her something to eat.

Zhen Jie ignored her hunger and continued walking with a small smile on her face. She was happy she didn't have to worry about Wan Cui and her friends since they were being held in jail. The cops found the video footage of them beating Zhen Jie and taking her clothes, giving them more than enough reason to arrest them, but when they found the footage of them doing the same to Qi Qiao, they officially marked them as suspects for her rape and murder.

They weren't getting out any time soon.

Officer Gong had offered to take Zhen Jie to school like he normally did, but Zhen Jie declined. She said she'd rather walk because she was finally free and didn't have anyone to fear anymore.

Or at least that's what she thought.

Before she could get far from her front door, she was grabbed and dragged away. She was pulled into one of the abandoned apartments and shoved to the ground, shards of glass slicing into her knees. A rough kick pushed into her empty stomach, causing a jolt of pain to rush to her head. 

Qiu Fu, who was watching from a distance saw Zhen Jie get dragged away and immediately dropped his blunt. He pushed himself off of the tree he was leaning against and ran to the apartment she was taken to, slipping over trash occasionally.

Inside, Zhen Jie shook, staring wide-eyed at the person who stood in front of her. She couldn't tell who they were because of the mask they were wearing — but their eyes were familiar. Way too familiar, "You dumb bitch!" The person spat. "Why can't you keep your fucking mouth shut?"


A harsh slap was sent across Zhen Jie's face with so much force her ears started ringing, "Shut up! You got my girlfriend arrested! You have to meddle in everything don't you?"

"Meddle?" Zhen Jie scoffed, finding her voice at the wrong time. She was tired of her attackers acting like she was at fault for their sick behavior. "I was dragged into this! They targeted me!"

The person in front of her pulled her off of the ground by her shirt and pinned her to the wall before pulling out a pocket knife and flicking it open, "Because your nosy ass was going to talk to that Officer." They gritted. "You need to tell me what you told them or I'll kill you."

Their breath was hot against Zhen Jie's skin, and she squirmed at the feeling. To say she was terrified would be an understatement. She was trembling in her spot out of fear, and no matter how many times she tried to still her body, she couldn't. The confidence she had mere seconds before when she stood up for herself was gone. She didn't know where it came from, and she couldn't find it anymore.

"Don't even try to lie like you didn't say anything," They continued. "Because they got my girlfriend, and it's just a matter of time before one of her friends crack and they're after me."

Zhen Jie opened her mouth to speak but was cut off, "You know, I never expected you to live somewhere so... ratty. I'd have been here sooner to get you to shut up. I could kill you and no one would say a thing." They laughed. "These poor bastards would keep their mouths shut for five dollars."

"So tell me before I kill you, what did you say?"

"I didn't! I promise!"

The masked offender pressed the blade to Zhen Jie's neck, hard enough to let her know they weren't joking around. The cold metal caused gooseflesh to rise from her skin and she could feel her skin break apart. Thick wine-colored blood oozed down, staining her crisp white shirt, "Tell me— or you know what?" They snickered before removing the knife."I could just kill your little boyfriend and leave you here to mourn him..."

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