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Third person POV

"Just at that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes and pleaded, Oh, please, dear princess, only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch." Bad grinned as he flipped through the pages

As two young boys was were sitting down which one boy leaned towards his friend's ear "Here, comes my favorite part" Karl Whispered

"And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea that she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature" Bad looked at his son and Karl with a mischievous look on his face

"leaned forward, raised him to her lips, and kissed that little frog!" Bad smiled        
"Aww!" Karl  just Awh while George was making gaging noises with his mouth

"Then, the frog was transformed into a handsome prince! They were married and lived happily ever after! The end." Bad said while putting the tie on Karl's suit    

Which Karl cheered in excitement "Yay! Read it again! Read it again!" The brunet yelled as Bad shook his head "Sorry, Karl, it's time for us to be headin' home. Say goodnight, George." Bad says as he goes get his bag from the side of the bedroom

"There is no way in this whole world, I would ever ever ever, I mean ever, never kiss a frog yuck!" George yelled in disgust by thinking about it

Karl heard clearly what George said before he got an idea "Is that so?!" The brunet smirked as he picked up his cat "well,here's your Prince Charming Gogy." Karl shoved his cat close to George

"Come on,kiss him." Karl yelled which George shook his head pushing Karl's hands away with the cat "no" George yelled back 

"Kiss him" Karl yelled "stop it" George yelled  "kiss him,kiss him,kiss him" Karl yelled "I won't, I won't, I won't" George yelled

Karl huffed before he sat down "I would do it, I would kiss a frog,I would kiss a hundred frogs" the brunet grinned

"If I could marry a prince and be a prince" Karl says in a lovely dovey while snuggling his cat, it caused his cat get scared which made the cat go up on bedroom roof

Which caused Karl and George to start laughing as Bad turned around to see the cat on roof made him huff "You boys, stop tormenting that poor little kitty" Bad says as he goes on a chair to get the cat from the roof

As Bad puts the cat down "poor little thing" bad says in a  felling bad way as the cat walks out as "mmm" as the bedroom door opened

"Evening Bad" Philza says as he walks in Karl's bedroom "Daddy, Daddy! Look at my new tie, isn't it pretty?!" Karl says as he spins to show off his suit and new tie that Bad designed

Which Philza just nodded  "look at you, why,i'd expect nothing less" Philza says as he picks up Karl "Less from the finest seamstress in Brighton" the blond says

As Karl saw the suit that the prince had in the book "ooh, I want that suit!" Karl yelled
"Now Karl" Philza says "I want that one!" Karl yelled as he pointed to the suit of the prince of the story as he grabbed Philza cheeks

"please,please,please" Karl whined which Philza just sighed  "Bad,you suppose you can could whip something like that?" The blond questioned

"Anything for my favorite customer" Bad smiles as he pointed out all the suits that he had made as Karl screams of excitement

"Come along George, Your daddy should be home from work by now." Bad says as they walk out the bedroom

"All right now, prince you're getting that suit, but that's it..no more Mr.Pushover, now who wants a puppy?!" Philza says " I do I do, he's so so cute!" Karl says before he screams in excitement

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