Chapter 21: Judgement Day Part 2

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Sakuta and Mai had offered to stick around once Sakura went into surgery, but I waved them off. I had a lot on my mind, between the events of the past few days, the quick wedding ceremony, and all the emotions currently swirling inside from all of it.

Rio popped in and out of the waiting room, checking on me every so often. She wasn't a doctor, so she wasn't going into the operating room. But she managed to pass along updates when the doctors would rotate out.

I can't believe we really did that. True, it wasn't a real ceremony with rings but it was still hard to believe. Sakura really doesn't mind spending the rest of her life with me, huh? I could only imagine what Kyoko would say once she heard the news. We had managed to become a little more friendly in the past few days, but I could easily see her raising a fuss over the wedding.

"Just to be sure, you don't have any interest in making me your girlfriend right?"

Back then, I wasn't really sure how I felt about Sakura. I had begun to enjoy spending time with her, but it was hard to pin down just how she saw me. Somewhere along the way, I know I had gone from just being "classmate that knows my secret" to something that could be considered friends.

"There was moments where I really felt as though I was falling for you."

But when had she truly fallen past the point of no return? Maybe there was no one moment, simply a slow build over her feelings over each time that burst through the walls she had set up for herself.

I know for myself that was exactly what had happened. Sure, I may have been interested that day on the beach. But back then, I still never quite knew if she was ever being serious or if it was just another joke.

Perhaps it was the night we spent in the hotel playing truth or dare that started me down this path. Up until then, all I had to go on was the times we had spent together, as well as her looks. I can admit that I did find her attractive, though coming out and admitting it was not an easy task.

But as I learned more about who she was, what she was like growing up, I could feel myself becoming more and more interested in this girl who had forced her way into my life. Part of it was wanting become more like her, but also wanting to be closer to her infectious personality.

Rio popped back in the room with another update. "So far so good. The doctors are saying it should only be a few more hours until it's over. How are you holding up?"

I leaned back, feeling a bit stiff from sitting down for so long. "I'm hanging in there, still a little nervous about everything. It's still hard to believe we went through with that."

Rio took a seat next to me, smiling. "Young love is very interesting to witness. For an on the spot wedding, you both did a great job." She leaned back in the chair, stretching out and yawning.

"Thank you for making all of this possible, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be sitting here right now." I thought back to the first time we encountered each other at that net cafe, not realizing just how much that moment would change my life.

"But of course, it was beneficial for both of us. I got to have more research for my work, and you got to save someone you care about." Rio pulled a can of coffee from her lab coat pocket, cracking it open and taking a sip.

"Have you worked with many others that had the syndrome?" I knew from our previous talks that she had some experience, but I never knew just how many times she had.

"There was a few cases here and there, but after we all graduated high school it was pretty rare. I've spent a lot of time just doing research and writing papers on my past experience." Rio took another drink, sighing in relief at the caffeine entering her system.

I Do Not Dream Of Eating Your Pancreas (IWTEYP x Seishun Buta Yarō)Where stories live. Discover now