Chapter 6

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*Hange's POV*

I slid my hands out of Moblit's and jumped to Levi. He had his hands over his eyes trying to block out the sun with Petra next to him pouting. She was seeking attention. I knew she was and I found it funny because she's always done since high school. I stood in front of him and he lifted his head up slowly to look at me.

"I'm hungry. Let's get Ice cream"

He didn't show any sign of hesitation and stood up. Petra grabbing into his arm as if she didn't want him leaving.

"Sure let's go", he agreed. Petra's expression changed from a pouting, pleading child to an angry one.

" I'm coming with you", she said. Levi didn't say anything and kept a straight face. I was about to speak before he stopped me and turned to Petra. She dragged him to one side and they spoke for a while. Whilst they were doing that, I went to tell Moblit that Levi and I would get something for all four of us.

After sometime, Petra returned with Levi and sat down next to Moblit. It was obvious she was furious. What on Earth did they even talk about?

"Hey you two can go together if you want. It doe-"

"Let's go, Four eyes", I was cut short by Levi. Something feels wrong and I hope this has nothing to do with me.

*Levi's POV*

Petra was acting like a child and it really pissed me off. She pulled me to the side asking why I decided to go with Hange instead of her.

" you like her don't you? ", she kept asking in every sentence. If I knew having a girlfriend would mean them being so clingy, jealous and furious every time I speak to a different girl, I would've never gotten one.

" No. She's a friend, Petra. Maybe the reason we're that close is because we've been like this since high school"

I didn't like Hange. Maybe as a friend, yes but not romantically. She was crazy, messy and noisy. I'm the opposite. And she's got a boyfriend.

"If I liked Hange, I would've dumped you and dated her. That seems reasonable, doesn't it?"

And that was how the conversation ended. She looked down and then walked towards where Hange was. Petra sat next to Moblit still looking furious and as soon as Hange was about to finish her sentence, I cut her short. She always have to feel guilty in this sort of situation.

We left where Petra and Moblit were and walked towards an Ice cream stand. I could see her staring at me like she had something to say.

"If you have something to say, Hange then say it"

She grinned "for a start, you called me Hange. Which is rare. Second, are you and Petra okay. I mean it's none of my business but I really don't want to be the cause of any..." She paused thinking of a way to finish her sentence .

"She's just a bit worried and clingy. That's all", I replied sighing.

" worried about what? "

"She thinks I-"

*Hange 's POV*

I looked at Levi waiting for his answer. He shook his head in a way of telling me 'never mind'. Oh God, please don't tell me Petra thinks I'm just trying to steal him.

I would never. Tried once. Not gonna happen again.

Christ what was I even thinking the first time. I was probably drunk. Yeah, there was a ninety percent chance I was drunk. It was a party for our friends from high school.

I hadn't started dating anyone yet. And knowing I liked him then, I went to the party in a short dress. I drank too much. Got drunk. And the rest... Thinking about it really kills me. I spent my days thinking he would hate me after all that trouble. He was the one who brought me home anyway.

"Hey shitty - glasses, what flavour are you going for"

I snapped back to reality. We've been walking this while time and I couldn't even start a conversation because I was lost in thoughts. I'm such a loser.

"I'll go with vanilla"

He got his phone out probably to text Petra asking her what she wanted. I did the same and Moblit said he was having what I was having. The man asked if we wanted any toppings. I went with the Butterscotch sauce and so did Levi. Moblit didn't want any toppings. It was left with Petra.

"Has she decided yet?" Levi shook his head still looking at his phone. Soon after, it started ringing. Turned out Petra was calling him. He picked up. I couldn't hear Petra but judging from what he was saying I had the strange feeling it was about me.

"No Petra-"
"If you would just listen"
"Can we talk about that later? Please?"
" seriously this isn't the best time"
"Right. The strawberry sauce. Thank you"

And that was all I could make out. He hung up And told the guy what we were getting. After it was done we paid and walked back.

I didn't say anything other than asking who was running his Cafe while he was away to which he replied was Eld and Gunther. Apparently Oluo bit his tongue too hard and had to go for a few days break. What an idiot.

It was a bit awkward but I'd rather have it awkward than speaking about his obsessive girlfriend which might pull us apart or have even worse consequences.

We arrived soon after and saw her talking with Moblit. They seemed to be having a nice time. Which was in some way good. I gave Moblit's his and Levi gave Petra's hers. We stayed for an extra hour or two in the City centre walking around and talking.

My Ice cream melted and fell due to the fact that I got carried away speaking of a lot of science stuff. Always happens. Moblit gave me his because no one was ready to go pay extra cash getting a new one. It felt more like a double date. Started off awkward, tense and weird but ended with all of us going home relieved and happy.

We had both got down from the car to get into the house when it hit me. I was going to work tomorrow. Time flies when your having fun. How miserable. Can't I just expel kids if I wanted to?

I packed my things for work. Not like it would change anything because I'm more likely to wake up late again and have the principal, Erwin, telling me I'm late for like the 50th time. He's nice to not have fired me. Going out had really helped clear my head. Moblit and I felt closer for once even with Petra and Levi there and I was able to go to sleep earlier.

A/N: I need a break off the screen fr 😪. I'm going back to skool tomorrow which seriously scared the hell out of me. I love skool but seriously sometimes I wish they never existed. Well, that's all from me today. Also apologies if it's too short This better be entertaining my head hurts thinking 😅😩 anywhos ty and baiii

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