Chapter 12

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*Hange's POV*

He was warm and comforting. Even with his height. And he offered to help me again like some God. Even though I saw myself as a pain. But I'm still grateful. We arrived back in the Cafe with Gunther and Eld working and Oluo standing crossing his arms and frowning. He was imitating Levi again. I know it. The audacity.

"Oluo. You keep imitating me and I will slit your throat" Levi told him

Looking fierce. And scary. Then he faced me "We get the rest of your stuff tomorrow. If Moblit isn't in"

I looked down at him "I think he's working tomorrow. But I'm still having second thoughts about this"

He gave a little smile. Too little. And then went for his phone. As soon as he looked at it, he frowned.

"You THREE, including you, Oluo, keep working. Hange you can do what you feel like doing. Just don't start a campaign on why science is a saviour. I'll be back in a few minutes"

Start a campaign? That doesn't sound like what I would do. I've thought of it. But I'll never do it. Probably. I headed upstairs to my so called room and examined the place. It was fairly big and there was a lot of space. I had already started planning where things would go knowing how disorganised I was. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Hange" Already respecting my privacy. I went to the door and opened it to see Levi. He was frowning.

"Petra's coming here Tuesday night. I hope you're okay with that"

"Y-you're asking me? I'm literally a guest in your house"

"More reason I should make you feel comfortable. I have to go now. I'll be back"

Then he left muttering a few words under his breath. I closed the door and slid to the floor sighing. Then picked up my phone only to see ten missed calls from Moblit, two voicemails and a bunch of messages. All of them were just him telling me that I would regret making this choice. For a split second I thought he felt sorry for what he did before I saw his last message.


He wasn't worried about me. He just didn't want me near Levi. He's always hated Levi because of his looks but what shook me more was the fact he said he'd found a better person. I started tearing up again. That explains it all. I was voted the least prettiest girl in College during Rico's birthday party. I was noisy, crazy, ugly and was the opposite of what every guy wanted. Until now, I didn't care. I never saw myself as a person to win a guy's heart. Which only made me so naive, accepting Moblit like that. As soon as I calmed down, I blocked Moblit in every social media cutting off any contact. I didn't anything to do with him. Not now, not ever.

I stood up and headed downstairs to see where I could help. Gunther asked if I was okay and forcing a smile, I replied with a yes. Then I started taking orders whilst constantly smacking Oluo and telling him to get back to work and stop trying to take charge. Levi wasn't back till closing time.

I went to my car to get the little case I packed my clothes in, whilst the other three closed the Cafe. I had been wearing the same clothes for two days. As soon as I got it out of the car, I saw Levi walking down the pavement, eyes fixed on his phone. Whatever was going on was probably serious to have him gone for half the day and not looking happy at all. He put his phone down as soon as he saw me and I greeted him with a smile and a wave.

"Those your belongings?" , he asked pointing to the case.

"Yeah. A few"

I picked it up and went in with him following right behind me. We waved Gunther and Eld goodbye, completely ignoring Oluo.
As soon as we got in, he asked me what I wanted for dinner. I wasn't necessarily hungry so I told him I was fine. I put the case down in my room whilst he stood, leaning into the door watching me with his arms crossed. I sat in the futon cross legged for a few seconds looking back at him. We looked at each other with no idea what was going on in our heads.

Levi finally decided to break the silence "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Four eyes. Goodnight"


*Levi's POV*

I woke up at six in the morning and took a quick shower, got ready and headed to Hange's room. Just to make sure I wasn't walking in on her, I knocked twice on the door and got no reply. so I took it as it was okay to come in. So I quietly opened the door, and peeled my head in only to see her still sleeping, completely covered head to toe. I tiptoed towards her and bent down.

"Hey. Hey Four eyes" , I whispered.

"Hm? "

She turned around completely facing the opposite direction making sure she was still covered. I tried again a bit louder this time.

"Four eyes. Wake up"
She started groaning whilst I stared blankly at her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was always late for work if this is how she sleeps.

"Hange Zoë, if you do not get out of there right now, only the heavens know what I'll do to you"

Miraculously, she stood up. I was still knelt next to her as she slowly stood up balancing her weight from one leg to the other. Then doing a mini stretch and faced me.

"Morning Levi"

This was her morning routine? I would do anything just to watch her do this everyday. She got her phone and dailed a number. Finally the other line picked up.

"Hello. sorry I won't be in today, I need a day off. It's urgent"

Mumble mumble.

"Ah yes. Rico will be taking over. Thank you very much"

Then she hung up. I looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Reception", she told me "Just telling them I won't be in"
I smiled in understanding as she headed to her case looking for clothes.

"Aren't you going to shower?"

"Eh? Me? Oh no it's fine"

I could feel myself frowning at her.

"Hange. Get into the shower. Right now." She began whining and muttering but in the end, she still got in. I can't stand the slightest but of dirt. At all. Whilst she was getting ready, I headed downstairs to make breakfast for both of us. For the hours we'd be gone, Gunther, Eld and Oluo will be working. And Petra if she'd be bothered to show up.

Hange came downstairs, putting her hair in a ponytail like always. She had gotten changed into some trousers and a shirt which she held with a belt. Her usual. I've never seen her in a dress before or a skirt.

As soon as we were done with breakfast, the other three arrived.

"If Petra miraculously shows up, tell her I've left for something important and will be back soon. Whatever you do, don't tell her I went with Hange"

They nodded as I guided Hange out.

A/N: Yesterday was one of the worst days 😩 I was too dizzy and constantly falling over which is this chapter took me 2 days to write with the first try deleted. It was difficult but I finished it eventually. I'm obviously feeling better today even with slight pain but the fact my readers love this keeps me going 🤗 tysmm!

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