Chapter 2 - Shack Attack

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Y/N: "What the hell just happened? Did I die? That felt... so real... was that a vision? No way, that was way too real... so what is it?"

You click the + symbol in the top left and the blue screen containing your stats pops up.


Y/N: "Huh.... My intelligence stat is the same. So that means that I've completed this quest before... so if I've done it but am back here with the same quest... Wait! Did I go back in time back to this moment?! That's the only thing I can think of. So that means if I go back to that alley and see Felt then that means I did go back in time and relieving everything all over again."

Deciding not to abandon the quest you go talk to the demi-human and "learn" everything you already know. The blue screen pops up and tells you that you've completed the quest and got the 5 intelligence points. You then walk into the alleyway and wait for Felt to arrive. Not long you hear a voice but it isn't Felt's.

???: "If you don't wanna get hurt, cough up whatever you got."

???2: "Yeah, give us all your stuff."

You turn around and see three men, a tall and fat guy, a skinny and average guy, and a short guy.

Y/N: "Classic thieves, knew I should've avoided this alley. I'll just stall for time and wait for Felt to come here."

Y/N: "Yeah no worries, I've done this plenty of times. I know what to do.

Skinny: "Good, now empty your pockets!"

Y/N: "Yeah yeah, no need to rush."

You dig through your pockets and grab your keys, you then drop them onto the floor.

Y/N: "There's one thing."

Skinny: "Hurry up! Now go faster!"

Y/N: "Sheesh, no need to yell. You might attract attention."

Buff Guy: "No ones come to help ya, now continue empt-."

Felt: "Move, I'm coming my through!"

You look behind you and see Felt who is running towards you and the robbers. She then runs on the wall to get past you.

Y/N: "Finally she's here! So that means that I did come back in time!"

Y/N: "Hey Felt! Can you help me real quick? I'll give you an item worth 40 holy coins."

Felt: "40?!"

Felt then stops and turns around and stabs the buff guy in his arm which he falls are the ground and clutches his arm.

Felt: "You better not be lying! Come to the Stolen Goods Warehouse and we can talk there, live strong!"

Felt the does her wall jumping to get onto the roof and run aways. While the two thugs were distracted you run up to the short kid and kicks him into the stomach, which sends him flying forward. You then rush to the skinny dude and grabs both of his hands, knowing what to do next you headbutt him which makes him drop his weapons. You put your hands in your pocket and take out your knife, you kick the guys weapons away from him and point your knife at him.

Y/N: "Get yourself and your friends out of here before I don't something I might regret."

Skinny: "You bitch... you'll be sorry!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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