Part 3

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Corpse POV:

I climbed into the window and entered her house. It's very clean in here and I can tell she takes good care of herself. I look around and admire her pictures and furniture. As I walk around I bumped into her picture frame. "Shit!" I say to myself as it hit the side of my head. I heard the shower water turn off upstairs so I left by exiting the window. I run in my car and hope she didn't notice that I was there. I get on my phone and searched her on Instagram. She looks so cute and I want to get to know her more. I followed her on Instagram and seconds later I decided to call her to ask her out. Thankfully she said yes. I drove home excited to see her the next day.

Y/n POV:

I wake up to my alarm. It's 7:00am I wanted to wake up earlier to help Jackson at his house. I get dressed and head out.

As I pull up to his house I see that it looks horrible on the outside. I walk into the trashed house and go upstairs to look for Jackson.

Y/n: Jackson?

Jackson: Mmm?

Y/n: come on and get up your place looks disgusting.

Jackson: that's not my problem.

Y/n: yes it is you decided to have a party. Come on ugh what the hell your heavy.

Jackson: are calling me fat?

Y/n: yeah I'm going to need help.

I obviously can't do this alone so I decided to call Corpse. I mean he said him and Jackson were friends so why not?

Corpse: hello?

Y/n: hey corpse it's y/n sorry did I wake you?

Corpse: no I was already up, why wassup?

Y/n: well I'm at Jackson's place right now and he's very hungover and I need some help if you don't mind.

Corpse: yeah sure I'll be there soon.

Y/n: thank you I'll see you soon.

Corpse POV:
Yes she called! Honestly I've been up since 6:30am I have a hard time sleeping but I'm just glad she called. I get dressed and head to Jackson's house. As I pulled up I see her car and I see the mess that was made from last night. I walked in and the inside looked worse.

Corpse: y/n!

Y/n: hey I'm upstairs.

Corpse: wow I didn't think it'd be this messy from last night.

Y/n: I know right thanks for coming I know we were supposed to hang out later.

Corpse: oh no it's no problem I'm happy to help. So where's Jackson?

Y/n: in his room beware of the smell.

Corpse: damn Jackson you look horrible.

Jackson: mmm yeah you too.

Y/n: Jackson how's your head?

Jackson: pounding I don't even remember drinking last night.

Y/n: ok let's get you cleaned up.

Y/n POV:

Corpse helps Jackson get himself situated while I clean up around Jackson's house. Even though Jackson and I had a little incident last night I'm still here. He's kind of my only friend, everyone else is fake and I decided to cut them off. Jackson has been there for me when nobody was and I'm just grateful we're still friends.

Corpse: hey y/n.

Y/n: hey uh how's Jackson?

Corpse: he's better now I help clean up his room and I gave him come Tylenol for his headache, but he's just sleeping it off.

Y/n: ok great I'm still cleaning up over here.

Corpse: want some help?

Y/n: no it's fine I've already asked you for too much today.

Corpse: no it's fine I'm happy to help.

Y/n: thank you I really appreciate it. I know today we were supposed to hang out and I was wondering what you had in mind?

Corpse: I really wanted to grab some food and talk to get to know you better.

Y/n: that sounds good to me. Where did you want to go?

Corpse: to grab some Mexican food I know it's your favorite.

Y/n: yes! I love Mexican food.....Wait how did you know that I like Mexican food?

Corpse: (oh shit!) oh um I remember Jackson telling me something like that before.

Y/n: oh uh ok..

Corpse POV:
Holy shit that was a close one.

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