Part 13

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Corpse POV:

Are you fucking kidding me? Edward fucking Long. He really threatened her. Does he still have feelings for her? Or is he just obsessed with her? I don't care what it is he's needs to stay the fuck away from her! I'll fucking kill him! Ok ok I need to calm down I'm seeing her in a little bit I have to make sure I keep my composure. I put on the clothes I had laid out for the date. I spray some Cologne and headed out. Before I started driving I texted y/n to let her know I'm on the way. As I started driving I can't stop thinking about what Edward has done to y/n. Scaring her out of her house. I have to stop him. If I don't then who will?

I arrived to her house. She's wearing a red short dress and has a mini suitcase with her. She looks incredible.

Corpse: hey you look amazing.

Y/n: thanks you look good too.

Corpse: let me help you with your bags.

I get her bags and we head to the restaurant.

Y/n: wait I didn't know we coming here!

Corpse: yeah I wanted to surprise you I hope you like it.

Y/n: like it? I love it thank you. Let's go in!

I parked the car and we walked in. I opened the door for her of course. As we walk in the waiter took us to our table. This restaurant isn't cheap but I'll do whatever to make her happy.

Y/n: wow everything looks so good!

Corpse: yeah you do.

Y/n: haha I'm talking about the food.

Corpse: yeah that too.

Y/n: and the food is pretty expensive are you sure you don't want to slip the bill.

Corpse: what no! I'm taking you out so I'll be paying. Order whatever you want.

Y/n: uh I'll get something within price range.

Waiter: hi you guys can I start you with drinks?

Corpse: I'll get a water.

Y/n: me too.

Waiter: alright be right back.

It's just me and her. Finally I've been waiting for this. Now she can get to know me and I get to know her.

It's been about 30 minutes of us talking and eating. Apparently times flies when your having fun. She talked about her family and childhood. I didn't know she had a little sister. I'm glad she's kind of letting down her walls a bit.

Y/n: wow so your an only child.

Corpse: yeah never really got along with my dad but my mom is my everything. My dad just expected me to become a lawyer. I'm supposed to be in law school right now.

Y/n: wow that sounds-

Corpse: stressful?

Y/n: well yeah. I'm mom wanted me to become a nurse but I've just been procrastinating about it. I just don't think it's in my future.

Corpse: yeah me too.

Y/n: uh I'm so full.

Corpse: really no dessert?

Y/n: god no. I really-

Her face changed completely. She went from happy to terrified in seconds. Her eyes guided towards the front door of the restaurant. I turned around to see.. Edward!

Corpse: fuck!

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