Part 23

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Y/n: I understand..

Corpse: you understand?

Y/n: yes. No one has ever done something like this for me. Yes what you did was wrong but I don't hate you. In fact this makes me love you more. You are willing to kill for me. I couldn't ask for nothing more. Corpse when I said I loved you I meant it. This Edward situation will go away and I'll protect you so you won't get caught. I'm not letting anyone break up apart.

Corpse: so what now?

Y/n: now I think you should just stay with me for a little. If what you said about Jackson is true he'll be the first person to snitch on you.

Corpse: yeah he's the one who made me tell you. He followed me and saw me digging the grave. He said I either tell you or he'll tell the police. I had no choice.

Y/n: ok Jackson obviously sees you a the biggest threat because he wants to be with me. How about we just get Jackson to forget about all of this.

Corpse: what do you mean?

Y/n: I can try to persuade him out of it. Doing that he'll definitely back off for a while.

Corpse: persuade him how?

Y/n: I'm not 100% sure yet but just trust me.

Corpse: ok I trust you.

Y/n: great! You'll stay here tonight just incase.

Corpse: ok great, I'm so lucky to have you.

Y/n: I'm the lucky one. I love you.

Corpse: and I love you.

I leaned in and kissed her. I didn't expect this reaction from her at all. I thought she'll break up with me and call the police, but she did the exact opposite. Her love for me is stronger than I thought. My love for her is beyond words.

Since I'm staying at y/n's house for a while I need to go grab a few things from my house. Y/n insisted that she would come with me. After the drive we approached my house. We get out of the car and go in. She waits for me in the living room and I run upstairs to grab a few things. When I finish we walked out of my house to see Jackson waiting outside. This man just doesn't know when to leave me alone.

Jackson; hey corpse and y/n.

Y/n whispers in my ear and tells me to play along with her.

Y/n: Jackson what are you doing here?

Jackson: oh nothing just checking in on corpse. Did he tell you anything?

Y/n: what do you mean?

Jackson: wow corpse if you don't tell her than I will.

Y/n: wait is this about Edward? If it is then I already know.

Jackson: so he told you?

Y/n: yes I-I know what it looks like.

She started to tear up...

Y/n: Jackson I was the one who killed Edward. He tried to attack me and I pushed him off me and he fell and hit his head. Next thing I know he never got up. I called corpse and told him what happened and he took care of it for me. Jackson he didn't do it ,it was me.

Jackson: what!

Y/n: it was an accident and corpse took the blame for me. I understand if you want to call the police on me. I'm sorry to involve you.

Corpse: y/n...

Jackson: like you said it was self defense. Don't worry y/n I won't let anything bad happen to you. I know some people who can clear this up.

Y/n: what really?

Jackson: yes don't worry I'll handle it. Corpse I'm sorry of accusing you. I'll go make some calls.

He gets in his car and leaves.

Y/n: just like that it's over.

Corpse: was that the right thing to do?

Y/n: yes I won't let anyone get between us!

I don't know how I feel about that. She willing to go this far for me? Is it because our love is so real and strong? Or was Edward right all along?

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