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Sonja's P.O.V.

I grin as I flop down against the sofa with the boys and load up Netflix.
"Get your arm away. You're freezing!" Tom shrieks and I lean closer onto him until he starts flapping his arms around in attempt to get me off.
"Chill beckay!" I say and lean back to where I was sat and Jordan looks up from the beanbag chair he's sat on.
"I am chilled now you listen hear Linda." He replies in a high pitched voice "Keep you and your freezing Canadian arms off me" I laugh
"But Beckay! You love it really." I say trying to keep the high pitched voice up through my laughter.
"Linda, Linda, Linda. Your totes suchcuteomg boyfriend would kill me." He says and pretends to flip his hair.
"Omg boo your like so right." I grin and lean against Tucker and smile "But he is cute look at his face." I say and poke Tuckers face teasingly. He grabs my hand and holds it gently as he leans in and kisses me for a good minute before we hear Jordan clear his throat trying to get our attention. I turn my head to the side and he raises his eyebrows.
"Can we start the movie yet or?" He asks and I frown and pick a pillow up from the couch and throw it at his head.
"Play it!" I demand and snuggle up under the blankets squashed between Tucker and Tom. I feel Tuckers arm go around my shoulders and Toms hand slide up next to mine. I smile and look at Tom who smiles back. I lay my head down on Tuckers shoulder just for good measures.
"Your getting cosy there Sonj." Tucker laughs and I raise my eyebrows and roll my eyes.
"Shut up you fuck." I grin and focus me attention onto the screen just as the movie begins to play.

Intros yay! So this will be a collab book between CocoBubblez and maybeimafangirl we really hope you guys will enjoy this book, im personally in love with the story line already! - Jordan.

Her Poisoned Heart ~ OMGitsfirefoxxWhere stories live. Discover now