Chapter Eight

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Sonja's P.O.V.

"Go back!" I say and push him back upstairs. Together we sprint back upstairs and I quickly go into mine and Tuckers room and I let Gonzo out of his carrier and throw it back on top of the wardrobe.
"Come here boy." I say and Gonzo hops up onto the bed and rubs his face against my leg. I hear the front door close downstairs and I hold Gonzo tighter. "We're okay aren't we." I whisper and stroke his head gently. I begin to hear footsteps on the stairs and Tucker pushes the door open. I dont look up, I remain cross legged on the bed with Gonzo on my lap.
"Hey." Tucker says and steps into the room and walks around to the other side of the bed and sits down facing the wall. "Im sorry for what I've done to you. You weren't to blame. They forced themselves onto you, I know you. You wouldn't cheat on me." I laugh internally, god if only he was here 10 minutes ago.
"I know." I whisper and I feel him slide closer to me and wraps and arm around my shoulders. I wince a little from the cut but ignore it.
"How about we go watch some tv, eat pizza and forget anything happened." He offers and I force myself to smile and nod. As we walk out of the room I look towards Tom. He's sat on his bed, as we walk past he looks up and nods at me then goes back to his phone. I slide down onto the sofa and feel Tuckers arm go around me. I feel his hands fiddle gently with my hair.
"Im really sorry Sonja." He whispers in my ear and I nod my head. He presses his lips up against mine, I kiss back and feel his hands tug at my shirt.
"No." I whisper, but he doesnt listen. "Tucker I said no." I feel him sigh and pull apart a little.
"Why not?" He asks and I open my eyes.
"Not really feeling it right now." I lie.
"You were when Jordan was here." He replies and I pull back into the kiss and begin to lift my shirt up. I feel him smile into the kiss as his hands slide up my bare hips. I feel a tear well up in my eyes but I quickly blink it away and hope he doesnt notice so he can just get it over with.

*hides from the shit tone of bricks your all going to throw at me* PLEASE DONT HURT ME BBYS!
Xoxo - Jordan

Her Poisoned Heart ~ OMGitsfirefoxxWhere stories live. Discover now