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01. Guess Who's Back

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It's been four months since Ashton discovered he had a daughter, and two months since he broke up with Diandra, yet I'm still sane. Barely.

Being a mother of my CEO's child doesn't grant me special treatment at work. I'm still sitting in my not-luxurious cubicle, buried in my sales data while glaring at the analog clock hung above my manager's door. It's still 3 PM, but it feels like I've been sitting here for a hundred years. Frowning at my computer screen, I'm tempted to bail on the rest of my working hours. The last Friday of the month is all about the report on sales figures, and that's how my bottom has been glued to my chair for hours, nearly flat.

I'm seriously considering doing this at home right now, but the last time I did it, I had to go to the office on Sunday because I needed the supporting files that could only be accessed from work. Yeah, not a smart choice at all.

Also, being an Account Executive who has almost passed the probation period, I should put more effort into showing my enthusiasm for being present —an enthusiasm that is almost non-existent right now. The idea of being home early and cuddling with my daughter on our big and soft couch is just too alluring.

"Got any plans for tonight?" My colleague's voice pulls me out of my inner debate. Gina, who isn't in a better state than I am, glances at me as she leans back on her chair, sipping on her latte. Her jet-black hair is tied into a messy bun, and some stray hairs are stuck on her long bare neck. Doing report work is her worst enemy, especially after she lost one big client this month.

I shake my head. "Nope. Just the usual. A movie night with my girl."

"Ah, easy cozy Friday night," she murmurs on her cup with the logo Suit 'n Bean's on. "But seriously, Char, you should make time to hang out with us and hit the bar once in a while. You deserve a crazy girl's night out after these insane seven months."

"I know." I lean back and massage my temple. "I'll see if I can join you guys next week. I need to ask my parents if Chloe can stay with them for the night."

"I thought your girl prefers to stay with your sister."

"She does, but Sophie's husband just got back from the rig. I'm not sure what their plans are for next week."

"If anything, they're the ones who are going to throw their kid to Char's place, so they can go kinky all they want after months of celibacy, re-christening the whole house," Sebastian chirps from his cubicle.

"Eww. Don't give me the idea!" I scrunch my nose, trying to push away the image of my sister going wild in the black harness she bought last week.

Sebastian breaks into laughter. "Just saying," he says in a sing-song as he gets up with a coffee mug in his hand and walks toward the pantry. I swear that everyone in my team can only function as long as the coffee machine in our office pantry keeps brewing.

"Alas, no Friday night out for you then. You will be on family duty," Gina concludes.

"Maybe. I don't mind, really. Sophie has been nothing but a huge help since my first day joining this company. Also during the accident."

Goosebumps prickle on my skin when my mind jumps back to those dark days. A drunk driver sped toward Chloe's school shuttle bus, forcing the bus driver to make a sharp turn to avoid a crash, but it was too late. The bus lost its balance, one kid lost his life, and so did the drunk driver. I was so blessed that Sophie was there all the time during those excruciating moments.

"It's nothing compared to what she has done to me. I owe her that much," I mumble, playing with my mouse mindlessly while watching the cursor bounce around on my screen. "But Chloe isn't always around now. So, I'm not sure if her cousin still wants to spend her weekend at my place only with me."

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