A kits dream

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Garnet lay on the window ceil in the lounge of her two-legs home. Her orange like eyes glimmered in the flames as she watched him train the new puppy he had bought when he bought her. She tilted her head watching the mutt follow his commands. 

"We'll be off to the hunting ground tomorrow my children" the two-leg would laugh softly before standing up and packing his loud killing sticks. She gave a soft purr as she stood up following him. This was a good life and she had Kodi to protect her as well. Her Tortoiseshell like coat shimmered from the flames emitting from the fire place "Hey Kodi where do you think where going tomorrow?" she smiled looking up at the small German Shepard her voice soft and filled with curiosity.

Kodi's brown eyes looked down to her wagging his tail excitedly "I heard the two-leg talking with his mate and friends today. They said they would meet him up there after a week so there's going to be other dogs" his voice sparked excited to see more of his folk. "He also said something about my hunting training?" he looked confused for a moment pondering what it was.

The kit chuckled softly "I wonder if there will be other cats" she asked herself she was quite a big kit sitting around 8 moons now the two-leg had bought her to keep rodents off the farm. Her breed being a Maine Coon. Her gaze wondered back to the flames as she lay in front of the fireplace her ears flicking softly as she zoned out her mouth yawning softly her body vibrating as she purred. 

As her eyes closed she found herself wondering through a seemingly endless void. She looked around her paws moving forwards slowly water rippling under each paw. Her heart began to race unsure of where she was and panic began kicking in more but as she sat down her ears pricked up hearing a soft voice. She looked up towards a black figure of a cat a bright star on their forehead. "Who are you?" her voice echoed softly

The figure stood there for a moment before gesturing to follow him leading her towards a brighter light.

 Hesitantly she followed him she squinted her face scrunching up as it got brighter but as her eyes adjusted it lead to an open swamp area, a small camp with cats living in  peace and working together. She had never seen or heard of such things her eyes studying it in awe "woah.." she smiled looking around.

The black cat watched her following her around before they got to a rock towards the end. He walked up with her staring over the clan who looked up at them cheering. 

Garnet sat there in silence before she felt the bigger cats paw on her back. she looked up at him noticing his eyes glowing white. "are you okay?" she asked worriedly

The cat just gave a soft smile "I'll entrust you to protect them and lead shadowclan to it's wicked glory.

Garnet looked at him confused "shadowclan?.." before she could finish her eyes started glowing white as her vision vanished. Her body jolted awake looking up at the loungeroom. The two-legged must've moved her to the window ceil cause she wasn't on the floor anymore. She panted softly a little freaked out. She looked around before she turned to look at the stars that glimmered in the sky.  "I wonder who that was..." she lay her head back down pouting softly.

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