The beginning of love

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It's funny how life works... I had put aside the revision of my box for a couple of weeks, not because I didn't want to finish my work, but because several things came up (among them an accident of mine on the stairs) that forced me to keep absolute rest. Now a little more stable, I went back to my box and found a pair of pink slippers that my mother had given us when she found out she was going to be a grandmother.... How did she take the news? She was literally moved to tears and before congratulating us, she looked at me and said, "It's about time, I thought I wasn't going to be a grandmother" and then burst out laughing before hugging us (and of course, me with my "What happened here?" face).

We've all heard many times that "when you're a dad (or mom) you'll understand" and yes, it seems like a cliché phrase... but it's true.... When my wife told me we were going to be parents, I was shocked... I don't remember much of what I said at the time... in fact, I don't remember anything I said. I just know that I ran as fast as I could, got to Wong which was about 5 blocks from my house, almost without shaking (I usually don't run) and bought everything I could, almost frantic... then I came back home and my wife was looking at me with a "What was that all about?" face so I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up in the air, unable to believe the happiness I was feeling.

Much is said that in pregnancy, the woman carries all the symptoms, but in the first pregnancy, we both had the cravings, nausea, intolerance to certain smells and even repulsion to people, to the point that we opted to walk everywhere, because it made us sick to get on a bus.... (yes, it was weird) the day the water broke, I was rehearsing "La Jaula de las Locas" and when I received the warning call, in my haste, I ran out of the rehearsal with my stilettos on, running as best I could, my colleagues were alarmed by my running, because I did not give explanations.... (I was lucky they didn't fire me) I arrived at the clinic running, everyone was looking at me because it was strange to see a fat guy of 1.89 with 12 stiletto heels (strange but regal in every way) a few minutes later, my scene partner arrived, carrying my backpack with my sneakers and my clothes, because she had contacted my sister to know what was happening and gave the explanations for me to the cast.

I changed my shoes (I was already attracting a lot of attention) and went in to see my wife, it will sound cliché what I will say... but the miracle of life was incredible..... I am not a man of faith, but to see my little girl come out into the world, crying loudly but with a very attentive look, as if she wanted to record the faces of the doctors to take revenge at some point for the slap she received (a little vindictive my girl) then my wife received her in her arms and began to calm down, when she heard her voice and then mine... I was close to fainting and almost did not hit with all my humanity on the ground... I took my daughter in my arms and started humming a song from "Fiddler on the Roof" (yes me always influencing everything with theater) my daughter paid attention to my voice and leaned on my chest, comfortably leaning against me, falling asleep with an immense expression of happiness that recharged me with energy. After the nurse asked me to clean her up and dress her, I left the delivery room and finally fell down... my legs felt the fatigue of the race and I collapsed sitting on the floor, with a smile from ear to ear, thinking about that little face I had seen being born.

Being a father is never easy... and I really am a very proud father. I'm not perfect or anything like that, I have thousands of flaws and I have learned a lot as I go along... but I wouldn't change anything about what I live with my girls, they are the reason for my heart to keep beating everyday. 

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