~ One by one they follow ~

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A tall man, brown long hair with distinct visuals accompanied by a smaller male, blonde and short, visuals like a fairy. Anyone who stopped by to meet them would think they were the loveliest couple you could ever meet, absolutely head over heels for each other and one of the cutest couple you would ever see.

But when night falls, you would see a whole other side of them, a side that almost impossible to believe.


"Yoo Yong Kwan. CEO of YK Industries. Headquarters located Seoul. You want this guy?" The taller one, Hyunjin asked turning showing a picture of a short man, covered in gold and different diamond assets.

"Yes. You think you could do it?" The man at the desk asked, sorting through his files, his glasses slipping off his nose.

"Think? This should be the easiest job you've given us so far." Felix mocked, Hyunjin agreeing with his boyfriend.

"Don't get cocky. We don't have much time, I need that guy, dead, before sunset today." Chan ordered, looking at the pair sternly.

Okay, row until the end, my nickname's bulldozer

"Yeah, Sure. Does he have a lot of security?" Hyunjin answers, crumbling the paper with the man's picture and profile, tossing it behind him into the trashcan.

"That's your job to find out. Not mine. Now, get out. You have 4 hours, complete the job." Chan commanded firmly, pointing towards the exit of his office.

Felix chuckled, nodding as he walked out of the room, Hyunjin following behind him, saluting at Chan playfully before exiting the room.

"So, what exactly is the Plan of Action?" Felix asks, as he reloads his gun, putting in the weapons belt hung on his waits, hidden under the black coat he was wearing.

"We'll have to check security. If it's a lot, you know what to do." Hyunjin said, although there was a distinct bitterness to his voice.

"Oh, Hyunnie... You're not jealous, are you?" Felix asks, with a sly grin, tip-toeing to peck his boyfriend on the lips.

"Well, of course not. I mean, How can I be perfectly normal when my boyfriend is... You know what, we haven't go a lot of time, we better get going. You called up Seungmin?" Hyunjin said, smiling lightly at his boyfriend as he fixed up his own weapons belt, checking whether he had all that he needed.

Felix nodded, checking his phone quickly. Clicking his tongue, he tossed his phone to the side.

"No reply yet, but he's seen it." Felix said with vivid frustration.

Hyunjin hummed, glancing at the smaller boy.

"We'll wait. He should be here soon if he knows what's best for him." Hyunjin said, pulling Felix closer to him.

"Until then, we have some time to spare." The taller said with a smirk, connecting their lips together into a heated kiss.

Felix moaned into the older's mouth, feeling himself being pushed onto the wall behind him, the taller male trapping him. Hyunjin tapped Felix's thigh, and the boy wrapped his legs around Hyunjin's waist, the taller holding him firmly.

Their tongues battled it out, Felix eventually loosing the battle and allowing the older male to take control, his hands working on Felix's white shirt.

"Really? White? When we're going on a mission?" Hyunjin asked, pulling out of the kiss and grinning at Felix's red, swollen lips.

"Someone didn't do the laundry." Felix said, simply and Hyunjin chuckled, his hand traveling under Felix's shirt.

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