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Crusher gasped as he woke up. Blaze groaned as he woke up beside him.

"Crush? What's wrong?"

"I… N-Nightmare…" Crusher began to sob.



The red truck turned to see Pickle jump up from beside Crusher. He began to sob too, causing Blaze to sigh and move between his two lovers.

"Shh, it's okay," he pulled them close to him. "What did you guys dream about?"

"I… You and Crusher got married… and I… I was left behind…" Pickle sniffled his tears.

"And I had a nightmare that… you and Pickle got married, and I was so depressed that I… I burned the place down…" Crusher shuddered.

"Oh, you two…" Blaze held him closer. "I… I honestly had that same dream, but with you two getting married without me," He then raised his golden tire ring, which sparkled as brightly as the tire rings the other two had. "But we all know that would never happen, right?"

"I… I know…" Crusher whimpered. "But I… it felt so real…"

"It may have, but it will never be," Blaze kissed his forehead and kissed Pickle's too.

"Th-Thanks, B," Pickle held the red truck.

"Y-Yeah, thank you," Crusher hugged him too.

Blaze smiled and closed his eyes, humming a lullaby under his breath. The two leaned against him, eyes slowly closing as they fell into slumber. As soon as they were asleep, Blaze kissed their cheeks and gently set them down on the bed. He then left the bed and headed towards the closet. He opened it and found some sort of time traveling measuring tape on top of the box. He sighed.

“This time… everything will be better. Everything will be different,”

With that, he shut the door and went back to his bed.

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