The File

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You scanned the mission file, you could see that it was important by the large red stamp on the front, it read the words CONFIDENTIAL in bold and it was filled with large papers. They looked as though someone had just stuffed them in there.

You carefully opened the folder to find that there was much more information about this mission than you expected.
You knew that you couldn't just skim through the pages it looked as if it was never-ending.

You read the file for hours drinking at least 5 cups of coffee you knew perfectly well that you didn't want to go on this mission but you had to, there was only one thing circling your mind what had this guy even done to deserve this?

You decide to take a look at the rest of the box.

In the box was a black masquerade mask with a hint of deep green.
The mask was light almost as light as a feather.
It was covered in patterns.

You placed the mask on the counter carefully as if you were trying not to shatter a sheet of glass.

You took the next thing out of the box it was a lavish emerald green dress.

You looked at the dress in awe.
To your surprise, it was quite light and in a few ways, it was like the mask.
The dress had a green ribbon around the waist and had a corset back. The dress was long and the fabric was soft against your skin.

You reached in the box and pulled out a pair of black, heeled dancing shoes.

The shoes

They were beautiful and elegant they looked like ballet shoes that had come straight off of the stage.
They were made of swade and the straps were made of thin pleather they were gorgeous.

There was one more thing in the box. It was a dagger.

The dagger was spellbinding the blade shone in the light the gem in the centre was red I'm sure it was a ruby. There was a skull on the dagger, the eyes looked endless as though if you stared into its eyes you would be stuck looking at them forever.

You put everything back in the box and took it all to your room and placed it in the far end of the closet to await the mission.

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