The Truth Comes Out

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Shota sat in his classroom with the pregnancy test upside down on his desk still not wanting to look at it. He sighed as he leaned against his chair running his hands through his hair.

"Why can't I just look at it?" He mumbled to himself as he reached out to pick it up and look at it.

Before he could do so the door opened, and he grabbed it shoving it back in his pocket.

"Hey, Shota you feeling okay?" Hizashi asked leaning against the wall. "I can tell you're distressed about something. How about we go to that café and talk about it?"

"Not tonight 'Zashi." He said sighing as he laid his head down on his desk.

"What's wrong Sho?" he asked as he walked over and kneeled in front of him.

Shota looked at him before taking the test out of his pocket showing part of it to Hizashi. "I went to get this this morning. That's why I was out of the house. I took it in the bathroom, I haven't been able to look at it."

Hizashi looked at him as he gently took the test from his omegas hands. "Do you want to look at it together?" He asked keeping it covered.

"It maybe easier, can we go home and look at it there?" He asked not making eye contact with him.

Of course, we can. Hizashi said kissing his cheek a smile on his face as he went to get his stuff meeting Shota at the car.

Shota sighed keeping his arms wrapped around himself looking out the window the entire time. He got out of the car grabbing his bag walking into the apartment.

Hizashi followed after him lost in thought as he thought about something. He recognized the scent from sixteen years ago and it smelled almost exactly like this one.

If that smell was connected to the one from before did that mean that Shota had been pregnant when they were kids.

They got in and set their stuff down as Shota flopped down on the couch. He sighed bringing his knees to his chest. "You can go ahead and look at it. I'm pretty sure it's positive anyway."

Hizashi sat down next to him wrapping his arms around him letting out a calming scent to hopefully calm his mate down.

He held him close rubbing his arm gently and kissing his head. "Sho, if you say you're pregnant than you are. I'm excited to raise this kid with you." He said looking down at him.

Shota buried his face in his chest wrapping his arms around him not saying anything. "I can tell there's something bothering you, whatever it is I'm here for you."

"Wait until you hear what it is." He said as he pulled back sitting on the other end of the couch.

"Come on Sho it can't be that bad." Hizashi said trying to be reassuring.

"You know how you told Nemuri and Toshinori that we don't have secrets from each other?" Shota asked pulling his knees closer to his chest.

"Yeah, because we don't unless you count this as a secret which I guess it would be." Hizashi said thinking about it.

"Yeah it is and it's a really big secret. There's only a few people that know and one of them is dead." He said putting his face in his knees.

"Sixteen years ago, I found out I was pregnant. You'd gone into rut and it only happened once, but I guess the condom didn't work or something. Either way two months later I found out."

Hizashi looked at him his eyes wide as he listened to his mate not daring to interrupt him or attempt to say anything until he was finished.

"My mom came home and found me after I'd broken down in the bathroom. I told her about it and said that while I wouldn't get rid of the pup, we couldn't keep it. I wanted to tell you. I really did. But I knew if I did you'd try to convince me that we could be teen parents."

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