Finding Out

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One month later

Shinso and Denki had no luck at Nightwood's place seeing as the man had retired a few years back and couldn't recall making the sale.

They kept throwing out ideas trying to figure out who his parents might be. They were kind of an unofficial thing seeing as Denki wasn't sure if he could ask to court him.

It was actually driving him insane and he hoped Shinso's parents, well birth parents, were more accepting whenever they found them.

It was currently Monday and they had class. Something had been going on with Mr. Aizawa and they weren't sure what it was. When they asked he just told them it was nothing.

They were getting concerned to say the least.

They all sat in class waiting for their teacher to show up for class. They talked amongst themselves some of them trying to figure out what was wrong with their teacher.

He walked in a hand on his back as he walked to sit down. They all went silent and looked at him. Tsuyu looked at him and raised her hand.

"Mr. Aizawa?" She asked getting her teachers attention.

"Yes Tsuyu?" He asked leaning back in his chair.

"I'm not trying to be rude. Ribbit. But we're all worried about you. You've been acting different the last month and it's started to remind me about how my mom acted before she had my siblings." She said tilting her head.

He sighed and sat forward placing his hands on his desk. "I knew I couldn't hide it from you all for too much longer." He said as he stood up groaning lightly.

They all looked at him quizzically as they waited for him to explain a few murmuring amongst themselves.

"I am pregnant, with Mr. Yamada's pup." He said as he took off his scarf turning to the side so they could see his small belly. "As most of you have hopefully figured out we have been married for seven years and are excited to bring our first pup into the world."

Everyone smiled brightly saying congratulations and asking him a bunch of questions. "I swear if you were any other class I'd expel all of you." He said as he sat back down.

He told them that he still had two more months and while he couldn't do anything too physical he still wouldn't hesitate to use his capture weapon or quirk on them if he needed too.

After the excitement had died down they all got back on topic and everyone was really happen for their teachers and congratulated Mr. Yamada when they got to his class.

Denki kept thinking about the small lump he saw around his teachers neck when he had taken off his capture gear. He didn't know that the ever-stoic omega wore jewelry.

He also noticed that he kept side eyeing Hitoshi but brushed it off as the omega didn't seemed concerned.

They went to lunch talking with each other as Denki texted Shinso even though he was right next to him. They kept whatever they were quiet not wanting everyone to know.

Shinso looked at Denki out of the corner of his eye shaking his head slightly looking at the message.

Sparky: Hey wanna hang out after school today?

'Toshi: I can't right after school. I'm going to ask Mr. Aizawa for help on an assignment.

Sparky: Alright then I'll see you back at the dorms?

'Toshi: yeah I'm not sure how long it'll take although it shouldn't take too long tho.

Sparky: oh hey did you notice that he was wearing something after he took off his scarf?

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