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"travel?" Faust appeared, hanging from her playhouse that I made for her a few months ago.

"Mhm, we are going to Nopal for a few days. Faust, do you mind staying in Vesuvia incase something happens? That way we could come back as soon as you tell us," Asra smiled, petting Faust in the head, giving her more before he let's her go.

Faust nodded as she slithers away. I went over to Asra after I finished packing the clothes we'll need.

"I finished packing up our clothes. Do we need more items?" I left the tiny dark purple travel bags by the counter, checking if we need anything else as I look at the items around Asra. "We couldn't miss anything, right?"

"Well I mean sure if you'd like to bring magical ingredients to Nopal," Asra laughed, heading to the washroom for the hygiene supplies. I looked back-and-forth, looking for what I could be missing.

Even though I was sure we didn't need more items than clothes, hygiene supplies and some food, I kept feeling like something was missing or out of place.

After a few minutes, Asra came out with toothbrushes and soap and puts them into the travel bags. "Are you looking for something, my love?"

"Uh, it's nothing. I just felt like something was missing or wrong.." I said as Asra comes closer.

"Hm? Are you not used to going on adventures having the name 'Asra's partner'?" Asra smirked, then laughing at the face I made. Pssh, I was blushing like a red tomato!

"No, I'm totally used to it! I-I'm just scared I missed something," I let out a pout, looking somewhere else.

Asra laughed, trying to hold in his giggles but utterly fails, "I'm just teasing! Now, are you ready or do you wanna stay for a little while?"

~Choice 1 - "I'm ready!"

~Choice 2 - "I wanna stay for a little while."

(if you chose "I wanna stay for a little while.")
(if you chose "I'm ready.", skip this part and head to the next chapter/part)
"I wanna stay for a little while before we leave, there's no place like home, right?" I let out a smile, taking another look at the travel bags.

"We still have some leftover tea, here," he said as he poured some tea into a cup, handing it over to me.

"O-oh! Thank you, ma- Asra," I stuttered, taking the cup of tea.

"You're not used to calling me Asra yet? That's funny," he chuckles, taking a sip from his own teacup.

It's true, I'm used to calling him master, it hasn't been longer than four months ever since we started dating. I finish my tea and..

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