~on the way pt2~

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"Let's go, I can't wait to see Nopal again!" I spoke in excitement, letting out a huge smile. Nopal is a very welcoming place and I miss the people there. I just hope they're doing fine right now.

"I figured you would be excited," Asra smiles as he holds my hand.

"Pasha! I'm not that bad," someone from a three people group passed by.

"Pah! You're a massive rascal!" another person spoke, it's not a long time after when I recognized the voice and faces, it was.. Julian, Portia and Mazelinka!

It's always a great to see them together. Asra and I went to talk to them, "What's going on here?" Asra laughed, "Something about Ilya being a rascal?"

"Oh uhm, hey there Asra and Y/N! We were just talking abou-" Julian was cut off by Portia.

"Hello magicians! We were discussing about how mischievous Ilya is. Ooooh! Are those travel bags? Are you guys going on another journey somewhere?" Portia was as curious as a cat, asking questions one by one.

"Yeah, we are heading to Nopal," Asra beat me to answering Portia's question, mainly because I was laughing about how they said Julian was a rascal.

"Care to stay for some soup? We are heading back to my house to make some soup," Mazelinka asked.

"I'm sorry, we are kind of in a rush, but I appreciate your offer, a lot!" I said, looking at the time. Plus, we got ourselves some more bread from Selasi just now, I didn't need to bother Mazelinka to make us soup!

"That's alright, have a nice trip!" Mazelinka smiled, pulling Julian and Portia away from us, "Now come on you two."

"Couldn't wait to have me for yourself?" Asra teased, chuckling.

"W-what!? No! I just don't want to take up too much time," I stuttered, quickly continuing to walk.

Asra laughed as he planted a kiss on my forehead, "I know, you are excited to see Nopal. Let's be quick, we should be able to arrive before dark."

We walked through wheat fields, Asra got a handful of water chestnuts and held them out. A many-legged creature emerged.. I didn't recognize it at first but then I remember it, taking us to Nopal once. The beast greets us politely.

"It's nice to see you again too, I was wondering if you could take us to Nopal," Asra talked to the beast.

The beast agreed and let us hop on.

"So, do you wanna sit in front or behind me?" Asra giggled, I took a moment to decide.

• Choice 1- "I wanna sit in front."
• Choice 2- "I wanna sit behind you."

(If you chose "I wanna sit behind you," skip 5 paragraphs from now)
(If you chose "I wanna sit in front," continue)

"I wanna sit in front," I said, I sat behind him the last time we went to Nopal, it's good to exchange seats.

"Ah, alright. Get on," Asra let out a sweet smile, gesturing me to get onto the beast's back.

I sit in the front, waiting for Asra to get onto the back. Soon, I feel Asra's hands wrapping around my waist.

"Hold on tight, I don't think I'd want both of us to fly off the beast," Asra laughed, our legs were holding onto the beast.

"Wouldn't think of losing you either, don't even think of flying away," I giggled, looking at Asra.

(Choice for "I wanna sit behind you," starts now, if you chose "I wanna sit in front," skip 4 paragraphs from now)

"I wanna sit behind you," I smiled, never forgetting the time when I sat in front of him.

"Ah, scared of sudden kisses now are you?" Asra teased, leaving me flustered, "Here, get on and hold on tight."

I sit behind him after he has gotten on, I then hold onto Asra's waist. He looks back at me with a chuckle, "What? I don't want to fly away when it goes fast," I laughed, holding onto him tighter.

"Pfft, I don't think I'd want to lose you in a trip, either," Asra responded, leaving both of us to laugh.

Asra taps on the beast's back, gesturing it to 'take off'. The beast started to take us on a wild ride. Sometimes it goes fast, sometimes it goes slow, sometimes it stops to munch on some leaves! We enjoyed the view and had a few conversations..

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